a) That the Memorandum from Kelvin Kwan, Commissioner of Planning and Building Services, dated September 25, 2023, regarding the Extract from Heritage Richmond Hill meeting HRH#06-23 held September 14, 2023, with respect to Staff Report SRPBS.23.002, regarding a Notice of Intent to Demolish a Listed Property on the Richmond Hill Heritage Register located at 9893 Leslie Street (Horner House), be received;
b) That Council consider the original staff recommendations included in Staff Report SRPBS.23.002, regarding a Notice of Intent to Demolish a Listed Property on the Richmond Hill Heritage Register located at 9893 Leslie Street (Horner House);
c) That Council not place additional conditions on the OHA processes related to the demolition of a listed building at 9893 Leslie Street, or the removal of the property from the City's Heritage Register.