Whereas, Campaign contributions made by citizens to any municipal candidate are not eligible for either a provincial or federal tax credit; and
Whereas, the lack of a tax credit for contributions may be considered as an impediment which limits the ability of municipal candidates to raise funds for their campaign; and
Whereas, an increasing number of municipalities, including Markham, Oakville, Toronto, and many others in Ontario, have developed Campaign Rebate programs designed to encourage citizens to donate to candidates of their choice during the municipal election; and
Whereas, the majority of the current municipal Campaign Rebate programs are established at the beginning of a municipal election cycle, to enable the required funding to be accumulated over a four year budgeting cycle; and
Whereas, various municipalities have adopted different program elements including different rebate levels, different criteria for candidates to apply for the program, different criteria for citizens to qualify for the rebate program, etc.; and
Whereas, it is recognized that there would be a requirement to ensure that appropriate systems and staffing would be in place to manage any such Contribution Rebate Program for Richmond Hill.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
a) That Staff be asked to report back to Council on options to establish a Municipal Elections Campaign Contributions Rebate Program for municipal elections in Richmond Hill, starting with the 2026 Municipal Election; including:
- options on the structure of such a program, including recommendations and potential criteria for the various program elements (including, but not limited to, criteria to qualify for a rebate, and maximum rebate levels); and,
- potential costs, potential funding sources and any additional information to assist Council in assessing the viability of the program.
b) That staff be requested to provide an interim report to Council in June, 2022, followed by a final report, incorporating any Council input, by December 2022.