Special Council MeetingAgendaC#28-22Monday, June 27, 2022 at 10:00 A.m. - 12:00 P.m.Council Chambers225 East Beaver Creek RoadRichmond Hill, OntarioMayor West PUBLIC NOTICE City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings beginning on March 22, 2022. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website (Richmondhill.ca) or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage). Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda matters by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. the day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, considered as public information and noted in the public record. Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) the day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Richmondhill.ca. Delegations can be in-person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation. 1.Adoption of Agenda 2.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3.Scheduled Business 3.1SRPI.22.075 – Request for Approval – Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 18.3 Vision and City Structure - City File D01-22003 - (Proposed By-law 81-22) 1.SRPI.22.075 - Request for Approval - OPA 18.3 Vision and City Structure(1).pdf2.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 3 - Extract from Council Public Meeting C21-22-AODA(1).pdf3.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 4 - Phase 3 What We Heard Report-AODA(1).pdf4.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 5 - Letter from York Region-AODA(1).pdf5.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 6 - 2021 Growth Analysis by Traffic Zone-AODA(1).pdf6.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 7 - UMESP Preliminary Results-AODA(1).pdf7.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 8 - TMP Preliminary Results-AODA(1).pdf8.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 2 - Redline revisions - AODA.pdf9.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 1 - Official Plan Amendment 18.3 - AODA.pdf That staff report SRPI.22.075 regarding the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 18.3, Vision and City Structure, be received; That Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 18.3 (attached to staff report SRPI.22.075 as Appendix 1), and that the City’s Official Plan be amended in accordance with the policy changes and modifications set out in OPA 18.3; and That following adoption of Official Plan Amendment 18.3 by City Council, a copy of the amendment be forwarded to York Region as the approval authority for consideration and approval. 3.2SRPI.22.076 – Request for Approval – Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 18.4 Neighbourhoods - City File D01-22003 - (Proposed By-law 82-22) 1.SRPI.22.076 - Request for Approval - OPA 18.4 Neighbourhoods.pdf2.Appendix 1 to SRPI.22.076_OPA 18.4-AODA.pdf3.Appendix 2 to SRPI.22.076_Council Extract_May 18th Council Public Meeting-AODA.pdf4.Appendix 3 to SRPI.22.076_Proposed Changes to the April 7, 2022 Version of OPA 18.4 in Track Changes-AODA.pdf5.Appendix 4 to SRPI.22.076_Phase 3 - Engagement Summary FINAL-AODA.pdf6.Appendix 5 to SRPI.22.076_York Region Letter dated June 6, 2022-AODA.pdf7.Appendix 6 to SRPI.22.076_Provincial Conformity Table-AODA.pdf That staff report SRPI.22.076 regarding the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 18.4 Neighbourhoods, be received; That Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 18.4 (attached to staff report SRPI.22.076 as Appendix 1), and that the City’s Official Plan be amended in accordance with the modifications set out in OPA 18.4; and That following adoption of Official Plan Amendment 18.4 by City Council, a copy of the amendment be forwarded to York Region as the approval authority for consideration and approval. 3.3By-law 81-22 - A By-law to Adopt Amendment 18.3 to the Richmond Hill Official Plan 1.By-law 81-22.pdfExplanation: Agenda Item 3.1 - Staff Report SRPI.22.0753.4By-law 82-22 - A By-law to Adopt Amendment 18.4 to the Richmond Hill Official Plan 1.OPA 18.4_Adopting By-law 82-22.pdfExplanation: Agenda Item 3.2 - Staff Report SRPI.22.0764.By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at this Meeting 4.1By-law 106-22 1.106-22 - Confirm June 27, 2022 Special Council Meeting.pdf5.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.SRPI.22.076 - Request for Approval - OPA 18.4 Neighbourhoods.pdf2.Appendix 1 to SRPI.22.076_OPA 18.4-AODA.pdf3.Appendix 2 to SRPI.22.076_Council Extract_May 18th Council Public Meeting-AODA.pdf4.Appendix 3 to SRPI.22.076_Proposed Changes to the April 7, 2022 Version of OPA 18.4 in Track Changes-AODA.pdf5.Appendix 4 to SRPI.22.076_Phase 3 - Engagement Summary FINAL-AODA.pdf6.Appendix 5 to SRPI.22.076_York Region Letter dated June 6, 2022-AODA.pdf7.Appendix 6 to SRPI.22.076_Provincial Conformity Table-AODA.pdf1.By-law 81-22.pdf1.OPA 18.4_Adopting By-law 82-22.pdf1.SRPI.22.075 - Request for Approval - OPA 18.3 Vision and City Structure(1).pdf2.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 3 - Extract from Council Public Meeting C21-22-AODA(1).pdf3.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 4 - Phase 3 What We Heard Report-AODA(1).pdf4.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 5 - Letter from York Region-AODA(1).pdf5.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 6 - 2021 Growth Analysis by Traffic Zone-AODA(1).pdf6.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 7 - UMESP Preliminary Results-AODA(1).pdf7.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 8 - TMP Preliminary Results-AODA(1).pdf8.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 2 - Redline revisions - AODA.pdf9.SRPI.22.075 - Appendix 1 - Official Plan Amendment 18.3 - AODA.pdf1.106-22 - Confirm June 27, 2022 Special Council Meeting.pdf