Committee of the Whole Meeting


Meeting #:CW#17-17
Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Committee Members Present:
  • Mayor Barrow
  • Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora
  • Regional and Local Councillor Hogg
  • Councillor Beros
  • Councillor Muench
  • Councillor Liu
  • Councillor West
  • Councillor Cilevitz
  • Councillor Chan


The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

Committee consented to recess the meeting between 6:48 p.m. and 6:56 p.m.

Councillor Chan advised that he along with fellow Members of Council participated in the Santa Claus Parade on November 18th and thanked staff members who helped organize the event and all those who came out to watch.

Regional and Local Councillor Hogg advised that on November 19th she watched the film titled “Price for Freedom” which was presented by the Iranian community, and encouraged everyone to go and see it.

There were no emergency/time sensitive matters raised by Members of Committee.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    That the agenda be adopted as distributed by the Clerk with the following additions:

    1. Revised memorandum from Samara Kaplan, Director of Human Resources, and David Dexter, Director of Financial Services, dated November 20, 2017, regarding Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, Budget Implications - refer to Item 11.12
    2. SRPRS.17.179 - Metrolinx’s Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan - Item 11.13
    3. Correspondence from Community Planning and Development Services, York Region, dated November 15, 2017, regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law - Item 11.14
    4. Correspondence from Helen Lepek, Lepek Consulting Inc., dated November 16, 2017, regarding the Proposed Expansion to the Puccini Drive Neighbourhood Residential Infill Study - Item 11.15
    5. Correspondence regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law - Item 11.16
    6. Correspondence from Issaak Rokhline, 220 Sunset Beach Road, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted by Ghasem Pahlavan Hashemi, Tahereh Jalali, Masoud Ziaian and Golita Seyed-Mohammadi for 266, 272 and 276 Sunset Beach Road - Item 11.17
    Carried Unanimously

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest by members of Council under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Committee consented to separate Agenda Items 11.1, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.11 and 11.13 for discussion.

On a motion of Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora, Committee adopted those Agenda Items not identified for separate discussion.

Paul Pudjo, 38 Arnold Crescent, addressed Committee regarding tax adjustments under Section 357 of the Municipal Act as it relates to his property and requested consideration for additional adjustments for 38 Arnold Crescent for the 2016 tax year.

  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That a meeting in accordance with Section 357, and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be held in respect of the application made by the Treasurer and the owners listed staff report SRCFS.17.049 at which the applicants may make representations to Committee of the Whole;

    b) That taxes amounting to $136,050.11 be written off pursuant to the provisions of Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    c) That taxes amounting to $7,048.96 be written off pursuant to the provisions of Section 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    d) That applicable penalty and interest be adjusted accordingly; and that the Treasurer be directed to adjust the accounts receivable accordingly.

    Carried Unanimously

Cheryl Giblon, Chair, Board of Directors, Richmond Hill Board of Trade, made a presentation to Committee regarding the Board’s recent activities and future initiatives.  She provided an overview of their membership including a breakdown by service focus, who they serve, building a stronger Richmond Hill and business communities, and noted the Board of Trade has been part of the community since 1987.  Ms. Giblon concluded her presentation by acknowledging corporate sponsors and thanked the Mayor and Members of Council for their continuous support.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    That the presentation by Cheryl Giblon, Chair, Board of Directors, Richmond Hill Board of Trade, regarding an update of recent activities and an overview of future initiatives to strengthen the Town's business community, be received with thanks.

    Carried Unanimously

Ryan Guetter, Weston Consulting, planning consultant for Yonge MCD Inc., addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law. He addressed the proposed boundaries, height restrictions, road patterns, angular plane policies and parkland within the KDA, and noted they were anticipating the completion of the Tertiary Plan for the lands within the Interim Control By-law Study Area alongside the KDA as further detailed in his correspondence distributed as part of Item 11.16.

Roy Mason, KLM Planning, on behalf of the Richmond Hill Retirement Residence, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  He advised they were supportive of the KDA and Zoning By-law process and reviewed plans for a future assisted care living building.  Mr. Mason expressed concerns with the impact the proposed density would have on area traffic, and requested flexibility with the proposed floor space index calculations within the KDA policies so that the necessary facilities could be built within the Town.

Matthew Piazza, 107 Leyburn Avenue, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  He provided background information to a parcel of land purchased by his grandfather, and inquired about what restrictions would be put in place to regulate the proposed density for the KDA to enhance community development.  

Mike Manett, MPlan Inc., representing North Elgin Centre Inc. (NEC), owner of 11005 Yonge Street, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law. He advised of their request that the planned public street be removed from the KDA, and addressed the comments that it was needed to provide appropriately sized urban development blocks for redevelopment.  Mr. Manett expressed their concerns with the proposed height limitations and underground parking, and requested that Committee consider all input received prior to formally adopting the KDA as further detailed in his correspondence distributed as part of Item 11.16.

May McConaghy, 130 Burndean Court, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  She expressed her concerns with the KDA, noted that it had numerous flaws, and referenced the potential traffic issues a fellow resident communicated to Council in a previous meeting. Ms. McConaghy requested that adoption of the KDA and Zoning By-law be delayed to allow for further input and revisions.

Claudio Gorizzan, 11005 Yonge Street, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  He requested that because there are outstanding issues that need to be addressed with the KDA and Zoning By-law that consideration of the matter be deferred.

Wei Hua, 14 Tentone Court, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  He noted that it was not realistic to think residents would rely on public transit, addressed the assumptions and information contained in the Yonge-Bernard KDA Transportation Study, and stressed the importance of infrastructure improvements being undertaken prior to any high density development.

John Li, 206 Brookside Road, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law. He expressed concerns with the accuracy of the information and data contained in the Transportation Study for the KDA, highlighted the number of vehicle accidents that take place in the area, and stressed the importance of resident’s safety.

Sherry Zhang, 234 Rothbury Road, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  She expressed her concerns with the public consultation that had been undertaken for the KDA and noted that in her opinion, input from the residents had not been taken into consideration.  Ms. Zhang highlighted the traffic congestion that exists in the area and the number of vehicle accidents that occur, and stressed the importance of resident’s safety and having the necessary infrastructure in place prior to intensification.

David Laliberte, 22 Naughton Drive, on behalf of himself, his family and a group of area residents, addressed Committee regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law.  He expressed concerns with the impact intensification would have on area traffic and stressed the importance of finding solutions that would satisfy all stakeholders.  Mr. Laliberte requested that density levels be matched to infrastructure upgrades to then roll out the policies and plans proposed in the KDA.

Adam Grossi, KLM Planning Partners Inc., on behalf of 5th Avenue Homes, owner of two land consolidations within the Tertiary Plan area, addressed Committee regarding the proposed expansion to the Puccini Drive Neighbourhood Residential Infill Study. He advised of their concerns with the options presented for the lands on the west side of McCachen Street as it relates to his client’s lands and where townhouse units are permitted, and addressed comments in the staff report regarding appropriate transition to the existing neighbourhood. Mr. Grossi reviewed how his client’s proposed site design addressed transition, and requested that the Tertiary Plan be approved with one modification that townhouse units be permitted for 4-12 McCachen Street.

  • Moved by:Councillor Beros

    The People Plan Task Force presents its Report PPTF#03-17 for its meeting held on May 17 2017, and respectfully recommends that the minutes be adopted as circulated.

  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    The Richmond Hill Heritage Centre Advisory Committee presents its Reports for meetings HCAC#03-17 held May 24, 2017 and HCAC#04-17 held September 26, 2017, and respectfully recommends that the minutes be adopted as circulated.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    The Youth Action Committee presents its Reports for its meetings held on September 27, 2017 and October 25, 2017, and respectfully recommends that the minutes be adopted as circulated.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That draft By-law 101-17, attached as Attachment 'A' to staff report SRCFS.17.047, be adopted to authorize the levying of an interim tax amount for all rateable properties and to establish installment due dates;

    b) That staff be authorized to present future Interim Tax Levy By-law directly to Council without need of a prior staff report.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Beros

    a) That staff be authorized to extend the non-competitive award of advertising services awarded to York Region Media Group, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., for up to four (4) additional one (1) years terms, for a cost not to exceed $163,000 (exclusive of Taxes) in the first additional one year term, and subsequent terms not to exceed the approved budget, pursuant to Article 7.1 (1) of the Procurement By-law 113-16 as the goods and/or services are provided by a market-based monopoly;

    b) That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary documentation to effect the contract upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Corporate and Financial Services.

  • Moved by:Councillor Beros

    a) That additional funding in the amount of $13,000 (excluding taxes) be allocated from the Infrastructure Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund to the approved 2017 capital budget for the Tennis Court Inspections and Conditional Analysis Study pursuant to RFQ-65-17;

    b) That the Commissioner of Community Services be authorized to execute any necessary documentation to affect the contract.

  • Moved by:Councillor Beros

    That staff report SRPRS.17.173 be received and that the proposed expansion to the Puccini Drive Neighbourhood Residential Infill Study as outlined in staff report SRPRS.17.173 be approved.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by King Hill Holdings Inc. and Carmine Francella for the lands known as Lots 476, 479 and 480, Plan 133 (municipal address: 0 Portage Avenue), File Number D02-17012, be approved, subject to the following:

    a) That the subject lands be rezoned from the provisions of the former Township of King By-law 986, as amended, to “Single Detached Four (R4) Zone” under By-law 313-96, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in staff report SRPRS.17.188;

    b) That the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.


    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Ming Zhang and Wei Zhang for lands known as Part of Lot 2, Plan 201, municipally known as 10 Bayview Court South, File Number D02-17001, be approved, subject to the following:

    a) That the subject lands be rezoned from Agricultural (A) Zone under Zoning By-law 1703, as amended, to Single Detached Six (R6) Zone under Zoning By-law 313-96, as amended, with site specific development standards, as outlined in staff report SRPRS.17.189;

    b) That Council approve the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, attached as Appendix 'B' to staff report SRPRS.17.189.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the Zoning By-law Amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by Ghasem Pahlavan Hashemi, Tahereh Jalali, Masoud Ziaian and Golita Seyed-Mohammadi for lands known as Part of Lots 5 and 6 (municipal addresses: 266, 272 and 276 Sunset Beach Road), Town File Numbers D02-15031 and D03-12004, be approved subject to the following:

    a) That Council approve the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as set out in Appendix 'A' to staff report SRPRS.17.187 and that it be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment;

    b) That Council approve the conditions of draft Plan of Subdivision approval as set out in Appendix 'B' to staff report SRPRS.17.187;

    c) That prior to enactment of the Zoning By-law Amendment and the issuance of draft Plan of Subdivision approval, the applicant pay the applicable processing fees in accordance with the Town’s Tariff of Fees By-law.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor West

    a) That staff report SRPRS 17.197 be received;

    b) That the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan (Appendix 'A') and Implementing Bylaw (Appendix 'B') be adopted;

    c) That Richmond Hill Council take further steps to advocate that relevant regional transportation and road improvements in the Yonge/Bernard KDA vicinity be completed in a timely manner to coincide with the initial build out in the KDA, including, at a minimum, the Elgin Mills railway grade separation, the widening of Elgin mills Road between Bathurst Street and Yonge Street as outlined in the York Region Transportation Master Plan, and intersection improvements be completed at Elgin Mills/Yonge and Yorkland/Elgin Mills;

    d) That Richmond Hill Council advocates for the widening of 19th Avenue from Yonge Street to Highway 404 and for a highway interchange at Highway 404;

    e) That if the transportation improvements listed in clause c) are not completed before 15% of the total housing units prescribed in the KDA Secondary Plan are approved, that a Planning mechanism comparable to a holding by-law be initiated to pause development in the area;

    f) That during the hold period referred to in clause e) a review of the local and Regional Transportation conditions in the KDA area be completed and all suggested adjustments be made to the transportation network according to recommendations coming out of the traffic review before further development in the KDA is approved.;

    g) And that the BRT Yonge project be completed before any building over 4 storeys be approved within the KDA area.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    That the motion of Councillor West in respect to staff report SRPRS.17.197 be referred to the Council meeting on November 27, 2017, to permit staff to provide comments on the motion.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the revised memorandum from Samara Kaplan, Director of Human Resources, and David Dexter, Director of Financial Services, dated November 20, 2017, regarding Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, Budget Implications, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That staff report SRPRS.17.179 regarding Metrolinx’s Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan be received;

    b) That Metrolinx be advised that the Yonge North Subway Extension is the top transit priority for the Town of Richmond Hill, and that the Town requests Metrolinx to seek opportunities to advance the funding and construction of the Yonge North Subway Extension within the timeframe of the 2041 Regional Transportation Plan, setting a target date of no later than 2031 for the opening of the extension (the same target date adopted by York Region Council on November 16, 2017 in respect to its’ consideration of the Draft Metrolinx 2041 Regional Transportation Plan);

    c) That Metrolinx be requested to advance the timing of Regional Express Rail Service (frequent all-day and two-way service) on the Richmond Hill GO Rail Line within the timeframe of the 2041 Regional Transportation Plan;

    d) That Metrolinx be requested to consider the addition of a Grade Separation project on Elgin Mills Road at the Richmond Hill GO Rail Line, as part of identifying a Freight Cluster at this location in the Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan, setting a target date of no later than 2031 for completion of the grade separation;

    e) That Metrolinx be requested to reconsider including a GO Station or Mobility Hub at 16th Avenue, within the Town’s Key Development Area;

    f) That staff be directed to continue to work with Metrolinx, York Region, other agencies and stakeholders with respect to the timing and funding of the Richmond Hill infrastructure projects and initiatives identified in the Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan;

    g) That the Town Clerk be directed to forward a copy of staff report SRPRS.17.179 to Metrolinx as the Town’s comments regarding Metrolinx’s Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan;

    h) That the Town Clerk be directed to forward a copy of staff report SRPRS.17.179 to York Region as the Town’s comments regarding Metrolinx’s Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan; and

    i) That the Town Clerk be directed to forward a copy of staff report SRPRS.17.179 to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change as Richmond Hill’s formal response to the Environmental Bill of Rights posting 013-1550 “A Call for Comments on the Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan”.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the correspondence from Community Planning and Development Services, York Region, dated November 15, 2017, regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the correspondence from Helen Lepek, Lepek Consulting Inc., dated November 16, 2017, regarding the Proposed Expansion to the Puccini Drive Neighbourhood Residential Infill Study, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the following correspondence regarding the Yonge and Bernard Key Development Area Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law (Staff Report SRPRS.17.197), be received:

    1. Lincoln Lo, Malone Givens Parsons Ltd., dated November 16, 2017
    2. Mike Manett, MPlan Inc., representing North Elgin Centre Inc. (NEC), 11005 Yonge Street, dated November 20, 2017
    3. Dee Sutters, 11 Lorraine Street, dated November 20, 2017
    4. Ryan Guetter, Weston Consulting, planning consultant for Yonge MCD Inc., dated November 20, 2017
    5. Sarah J. Turney, Fasken Martineau, on behalf of 10870 Yonge Street Limited, dated November 20, 2017
    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the correspondence from Issaak Rokhline, 220 Sunset Beach Road, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted by Ghasem Pahlavan Hashemi, Tahereh Jalali, Masoud Ziaian and Golita Seyed-Mohammadi for 266, 272 and 276 Sunset Beach Road, be received.

    Carried Unanimously

There were no other business items.

There were no emergency/time sensitive matters.

There were no closed session items.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    That the meeting be adjourned. 

