a) That staff report SRCFS.21.012 regarding the 2022 Capital and Operating Budget Strategy be received;
b) That staff present a 2022 Draft Capital Budget and Forecast that:
- Continues to manage the City’s capital program reflective of corporate priorities;
- Maximizes all funding from external sources, development charges and reserve funding;
- Incorporates Capital Sustainability Committee Outcomes;
- That the Tax Supported Capital Program be capped at $16 million dollars;
- Leverages the Enterprise Asset Management/Asset Management Plan to prioritize asset needs.
c) That staff present a 2022 Draft Operating Budget that:
- Supports Council priorities;
- The tax rate increase be no more than 0%;
- The operating budget considerations outlined in staff report SRCFS.21.012 be used as a guideline in the development of the 2022 Operating Budget.
d) That staff present a 2022 Draft Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Budget that reflects the wholesale rate increase from Region of York and reflects approved factors from the Water/Wastewater Financial Plan and the Stormwater Financial Plan; and
e) That staff be directed to proceed with the 2022 Budget process in accordance with the timetable outlined in Appendix “A” and guidelines described in staff report SRCFS.21.012.