a) That the speed limit, parking and traffic control regulation changes outlined in staff report SRIES.23.003, at the November 22nd, 2023 be approved;
b) That By-Law 111-23, attached as Appendix '7' to staff report SRIES.23.003, be brought forward to the November 22, 2023, Council meeting for enactment to amend Municipal Code Chapter 1126 in order to reduce the speed limit on various City of Richmond Hill roads to 40 km/h;
c) That York Regional Police be advised of the new reduced posted speed limits and be requested to provide enforcement along the roads as resources permit;
d) That By-Law 112-23, attached as Appendix '8' to staff report SRIES.23.003, be brought forward to the November 22, 2023, Council meeting for enactment to amend Municipal Code Chapter 1116, in order to implement the changes to parking regulations outlined in this staff report;
e) That By-Law 113-23, attached as Appendix '9' to staff report SRIES.23.003, be brought forward to the November 22, 2023, Council meeting for enactment to amend Municipal Code Chapter 1128, in order to implement the changes to intersection traffic control outlined in this staff report;
f) That By-Law 114-23, attached as Appendix '10' to staff report SRIES.23.003, be brought forward to the November 22, 2023, Council Meeting for enactment to amend Municipal Code Chapter 1135 in order to implement the changes to U-turn prohibitions outlined in this staff report.