a) That the request by Parkgate Holdings Inc. for 267.64 persons equivalent of additional servicing allocation for lands described as Part of Lot 29, Concession 2, E.Y.S. (municipal address: 11211 Bayview Avenue), City File D03-04008), be approved;
b) That 126.36 persons equivalent of servicing allocation (36 single detached dwellings) be assigned to the Residential Reserve Blocks shared between the draft approved Plans of Subdivision on the Parkgate Holdings Inc. (City File D03-04008) and Richview 19 Holdings Inc. (City File D03-12013) lands;
c) That 125.58 persons equivalent of servicing allocation (42 street townhouse dwellings) be assigned to the Residential Reserve Blocks shared between the draft approved Plan of Subdivision on the Parkgate Holdings Inc. lands (City File D03-04008) and the proposed draft Plan of Subdivision on the Devon Lane Construction Ltd. lands (City File D03-02002);
d) That the authority to make any necessary modifications to the assigned servicing allocation for the proposed development on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services subject to the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy;
e) That the assigned servicing allocation be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services in accordance with By-law 109-11.