Council Meeting

(Electronic Meeting pursuant to Section 238(3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001)

Acting Mayor Joe DiPaola



Due to efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, City facilities will not be open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings until further notice.


Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda matters by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. the day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, considered as public information and noted in the public record.


Public Forum: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on a matter not on the agenda must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. noon the day before the meeting by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line form found on Public Forum will be by video conference via the internet or telephone only. A maximum of five persons will be allowed to register for the Public Forum on a first come first serve basis.


Electronic Delegations: The public may apply to appear as an electronic delegation by video conference or by telephone. Applications to appear as an electronic delegation must be submitted by 12 p.m. the day before the meeting by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as an electronic delegation.

Introduction of Emergency/Time Sensitive Matters

  • That the following matter be added to the agenda as a Time Sensitive matter:

    a) Time Sensitive Member Motion -  Councillor Liu - Additional yard waste collection day in 2021.

  • That the following matter be added to the agenda as a Time Sensitive matter:

    a) Time Sensitive Member Motion - Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli - Youth Sports Accommodation.


Committee and Staff Reports

- (refer to Item 13.9)

  • a) That the Petition submitted by Arul Myles Mylvaganam, Richmond Hill Hindu Temple, received December 2, 2021, regarding the proposed Official Plan, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted by 1430518 Ontario Inc. for 0 Elgin Mills Road East, be received.

  • a) That the following correspondence regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted by 1430518 Ontario Inc. for 0 Elgin Mills Road East, be received:

    a) Grant McCaffrey, 436 Crosby Avenue, dated December 5, 2021;

    b) Veluvolu Basavaiah, Trustee, Hindu Temple Society of Canada, dated December 6, 2021;

    c) Thambirajah Vignarajah, President, Hindu Temple Society of Canada, received December 6, 2021;

    d) Mappanar and Kanageswary Nagalingam, 182 Doon Drive, London, dated December 7, 2021;

    e) Arul Myles Mylvaganam, Richmond Hill Hindu Temple, dated December 7, 2021;

    f) Rathy Ponnampalam, 10 Ardmore Crescent, dated December 7, 2021. 

  • That the following correspondence regarding Request for Endorsement: Official Plan Update Key Directions, be received:

    a) Lauren Capilongo, representing Parkway Hotels and Convention Centre Inc. ("Sheraton"), dated December 7, 2021; 

    b) Allan Ramsay, Allan Ramsay Planning Associates, representing property owners at 32, 42, 66, 74, and 76 Major Mackenzie Drive West;

    c) Wilhelm Bleek, 136 Centre Street West, dated December 7, 2021;

    d) Lincoln Lo, Malone Given Parsons, representing Leslie Elgin Developments Inc., dated December 7, 2021.

Emergency/Time Sensitive Matters

  • Whereas summer temperatures last longer into the fall because of climate change, which is delaying leaves peeping, resulting in leaves falling late this year;

    Whereas the deadline of yard waste (December 3, 2021) has passed;

    Whereas many residents still have their yard waste on their front lawn not being collected due to the delay of leaves falling;

    Therefor be it resolved that Richmond Hill add one more yard waste collection day before year end; and

    That staff be directed to implement an additional day of Yard Waste collection in December 2021, to be funded from budgets as determined by the Commission of Community Services, in consultation with the Treasurer.

  • a) That staff be directed to examine all current Region of York Covid-19 Immunization clinics in Richmond Hill facilities, and move any such immunization clinic to other appropriate City or private facilities to increase opportunities for indoor youth soccer programs;

    b) That the Elgin Barrow Arena ice-rink pads be offered for indoor soccer programs for the period of January to May 2022, and that consideration be given, subject to the rules in the Facilities Allocation Policy, to offering the Elgin Barrow Arena ice-rink pads to Kick-Off Soccer GTA for indoor soccer programs;

    c) That in the event that there are any safety concerns associated with the use of the ice-rink pads at Elgin barrow Arena for indoor soccer, staff be directed to take steps to remedy those to safety concerns to allow indoor soccer to proceed as soon as possible;

    d) That Council request the York Region District School Board and York Region Catholic School Board and the Ontario Minister of Education to re-open public school facilities for community recreational programs;

    e) That individual Members of Council be requested to take whatever acting they deem necessary to further the intent of clause d) of the Motion.

  • A recorded vote was taken on Clause a):


  • A recorded vote was taken on Clauses b) and c):

  • A recorded vote was taken on Clauses d) and e):

  • The complete motion to read as follows:

    a) That Council request the York Region District School Board and York Region Catholic School Board and the Ontario Minister of Education to re-open public school facilities for community recreational programs;

    b) That individual Members of Council be requested to take whatever acting they deem necessary to further the intent of clause d) of the Motion.

Closed Session

Adoption of Recommendations Arising from the Closed Session Meeting (if required)

  • a) That the Clerk be directed to undertake the process to stop up and close that part of Aida Place, Plan M-807, designated as Parts 1 – 4 on draft reference plan prepared by R-PE Surveying Ltd., Job No. 20034, CAD File No. 20034R01 and bring forward a by-law to City Council;

    b) That the lands owned by the City described as part of Aida Place, Plan M-807, designated as Parts 1 – 4 on draft reference plan prepared by R-PE Surveying Ltd., Job No. 20034, CAD File No. 20034R01 be declared surplus to the City’s needs without public notice, pursuant to the City’s Sale and Other Disposition of Land Policy, Part 1, Paragraph 2;

    c) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents required on behalf of the City for the purposes of granting easements to various utility companies over the road allowance to be closed; and

    d) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and such further documentation as may be required to implement the sale of part of Aida Place, Plan M-807, designated as Parts 1 – 4 on draft reference plan prepared by R-PE Surveying Ltd., Job No. 20034, CAD File No. 20034R01 upon the written recommendation of the City Manager.