Council Meeting

Revised Agenda

Meeting #:C#33-19
Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
His Worship
Mayor Dave Barrow

That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting CW#12-19 held September 4, 2019 be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:

  • a) That the minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting AAC#01-19 held April 18, 2019 be adopted.

  • a) That the minutes of Heritage Richmond Hill meeting HRH#02-19 held May 7, 2019 be adopted.

  • a) The minutes of the Youth Action Committee meeting held on May 29, 2019 be adopted as circulated.

  • a) That the minutes of Heritage Richmond Hill meeting HRH#03-19 held June 11, 2019 be adopted.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.19.038 regarding the semi-annual report for non-competitive acquisitions be received for information purposes only.

City Files D02-17034 and D03-17010

  • a) That the Memorandum from the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services, dated August 21, 2019, be received;

    b) That the Zoning By-law Amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by Pietro and Mary Angaran, Susan Peccia and Ringo Canada Ltd. for lands known as Part of Lots 76 and 77 and all of Lot 78, Plan 1999 (municipal addresses: 251, 253 and 259 Oxford Street), City Files D02-17034 and D03-17010, be approved subject to the following:

    i. that Council approve the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as set out in Appendix ‘A’ to this memorandum and that it be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment;

    ii. that the draft Plan of Subdivision application be draft approved, subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix ‘B’ to this memorandum;

    iii. that prior to draft approval for the draft Plan of Subdivision being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fees in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law;

    iv. that 66.41 persons equivalent of additional servicing allocation be assigned to the subject lands, to be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services in accordance with By-law 109-11, as amended; and,

    c) That Council approve the Site Plan Control By-law as set out in Appendix ‘C’ to this memorandum to implement the applicant’s sustainability commitments and that said by-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.

  • a) That the following lands be established as public highway to form part of Menotti Drive:

    • Block 121, 65M-4631, designated as Parts 1, 2, and 3, 65R-38376
  • a) That the proposed draft Plan of Condominium submitted by Stateview Homes (Edge Towns) Inc., for lands known as Block 43, Registered Plan 65M-3786 (municipal address: 1335 Elgin Mills Road East), City File D05-17008, be draft approved, subject to the following:

    i. That draft approval be subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix 'A' to staff report SRPRS.19.137; and,

    ii. That prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law 65-18.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by RS2K Ltd. for the lands known as Part of Lot 28, Plan 202 (municipal address: 226 King Road), City File D02-16019, be approved, subject to the following:

    i. that the subject lands be rezoned to establish site specific development standards as outlined in staff report SRPRS.19.141; and,

    ii. that the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.

    b) That all comments concerning the applicant’s related Site Plan application (City File D06-16057) be referred back to staff.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services associated with consent files B011/14 and B012/14 for 9125 Bathurst Street, constructed within Part of Block 12, 65M-4172 (designated as Part 1 of 65R-35333), Part of Lot 12, R.P. 1960 (designated as Part 2 of 65R-35333), and the Day Lily Crescent road allowance, be approved.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services associated with Consent Files B023/12, B024/12 and B025/12 for 9131 Bathurst Street, installed within Part of Lot 11, R.P. 1960 (designated as Parts 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of 65R-34155) and within the existing Day Lily Crescent road allowance, be approved

    b) That Parts 5, 6 and 7 of 65R-34155 be established as public highway to become part of Day Lily Crescent.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services installed within Lot 5, 65M-2125, designated as Part 2, 65R-33622, be approved.

  • a) That the assumption of the internal aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4162 (Subdivision File 19T-03024), be approved;

    b) That the assumption of external aboveground and belowground municipal services located within Parts 1 to 8 on Plan 65R-31616, and Parts 3 and 4 on Plan 65R-30112, associated with Subdivision File 19T-03024, be approved;

    c) That the assumption of external above and belowground municipal services, including the stormwater management facility, located within Parts 1 to 5 on Plan 65R-31307, associated with Subdivision File 19T-03024, be approved;

    d) That the assumption of external above and belowground municipal services located with the 19th Avenue road allowance, associated with Subdivision File 19T-03024, be approved;

    e) That Jefferson Forest Drive and Magdalan Crescent within Plan 65M-4162 be assumed as public highway;

    f) That reserve Blocks 16 and 17 on Plan 65M-4162, be established as public highway to form part of Magdalan Crescent;

    g) That reserve Blocks 18 to 22 on Plan 65M-4162, be established as public highway to form part of Jefferson Forest Drive; and

    h) That the lands described as Parts 1 to 8 on Plan 65R-31616 and Parts 3 and 4 on Plan 65R-30112 be established as public highway to form part of Mancini Crescent.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4476 (Subdivision File 19T-12002), be approved;

    b) That the assumption of the external aboveground and belowground municipal services within the Alamo Heights Drive road allowance related to Subdivision File 19T-12002, be approved; and

    c) That Leary Crescent, within the limits of Plan 65M-4476 (Subdivision File 19T-12002), be assumed as public highway.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4403 (Subdivision File 19T-10004), be approved;

    b) That the assumption of the external aboveground and belowground municipal services within the existing Elgin Mills Road West road allowance and Marbrook Street road allowance, associated with Subdivision File 19T-10004, be approved;

    c) That the external Sanitary Drainage works within Part 1, Plan 65R-34313 associated with Subdivision File 19T-10004, be approved;

    d) That the 24 month guarantee period for the above noted municipal services commence from August 17, 2018;

    e) That Marbrook Street and Peterhouse Street within Plan 65M-4403, be assumed as public highway; and

    f) That Block 14, Plan 65M-3152 and Block 67, Plan 65M-4403 be established as public highway to become part of Marbrook Street.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Igor Kotler and Margarita Asriyan for the lands known as Part of Lots 8 and 9, Plan 647 (municipal address: 35 Wright Street), City File D02-16030, be approved, subject to the following:

    i. that the subject lands be rezoned to establish site specific development standards as outlined in staff report SRPRS.19.140; and,

    ii. that the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.

    b) That the authority to assign municipal servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services subject to the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and that the assigned municipal servicing allocation be released in accordance with the provisions of By-law 109-11; and,

    c) That all comments concerning the applicant’s related Site Plan application (City File D06-18044) be referred back to staff.

  • a) That the Private Street Naming application submitted by Dogliola Developments Ltd. for lands known as Part of Lots 51 and 52, Concession 1, W.Y.S. (Municipal Addresses: 10922, 10944 and 10956 Yonge Street), City File D15-18010, be approved subject to the following:

    1. that the names “Emily Charron Lane (P)”, “James Noble Lane (P)”, “Thomas Armstrong Lane (P)” and “William Russell Lane (P)” be added to the Council Approved Street Name List;
    2. that the proposed private street names Emily Charron Lane (P), James Noble Lane (P), Nine Mile Lane (P), Terrace Bay Lane (P), Thomas Armstrong Lane (P) and William Russell Lane (P) be approved in accordance with staff report SRPRS.19.154 and the Memorandum dated August 30, 2019; and,
    3. that staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to a regularly scheduled Council meeting to implement the approval of the proposed private street names upon finalization of the related development applications.


  • a) That the request by Montanaro Estates Limited to add the proposed street name “Montorio” to the City’s Council Approved Street Name List be approved for the reasons outlined in staff report SRPRS.19.155.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4416, (Subdivision File 19T-11003), be approved;

    b) That the assumption of the external aboveground and belowground municipal services within the existing Betony Drive road allowance associated with Subdivision File 19T-11003, be approved;

    c) That Betony Drive within Plan 65M-4416, be assumed as public highway;

    d) That reserve Block 40 on Plan 65M-4171 and reserve Block 160 on Plan 65M-4273, be established as public highway to form part of Betony Drive; and

    e) That the two year guarantee period for the above noted municipal services commence from July 05, 2018.

  • a) That September 2019 be proclaimed as Sickle Cell Awareness month in the City of Richmond Hill.

  • a) That September 17, 2019 be proclaimed as Show Your Local Love Day for United Way Greater Toronto in the City of Richmond Hill.

  • a) That September 21, 2019 be proclaimed as Dementia Friendly Day for World Alzheimer's Day in the City of Richmond Hill.

  • a) That the memorandum from Patrick Lee, Acting Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services, dated August 30, 2019, regarding the Private Street Naming Application submitted by Dogliola Developments Ltd. for 10922, 10944 and 10956 Yonge Street, be received.

(City Files D01-16005 and D02-16034)

  • a) That staff report SRPRS.19.156 regarding the Request for Direction for the Revised Development Proposal and Section 37 Benefits Package submitted by Metroview Developments (Harding) Inc. be received for information purposes;

    b) That the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) be advised that Council supports the revised development proposal in principle as generally depicted on Map 6 to staff report SRPRS.19.156 associated with Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (City Files D01-16005 and D02-16034) submitted by Metroview Development (Harding) Inc. for lands known as Lots 7, 8 and 9 and Part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Plan 3801 (municipal addresses: 9825 and 9839 Yonge Street, 254, 258 and 264 Church Street and 11 and 17 Harding Boulevard East), subject to the following:

     i) that LPAT be requested to withhold the issuance of its Final Order with respect to the applicant’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications until such time as the City advises the Tribunal that Site Plan approval for the proposed development has been issued, and pending completion of the final form and content of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments;

    c) That Council approve the Section 37 Community Benefits package as outlined in staff report SRPRS.19.156;

    d) That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services, the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into any agreements necessary to secure the Community Benefits referred to in recommendation c) above; 

    e) That appropriate City staff and legal counsel be directed to appear at the LPAT hearing in support of Council’s position concerning the above noted applications.

  • a) That the report (including revised page 6) from Marvin Huberman, ADR Chambers, Integrity Commissioner Office for the City of Richmond Hill, dated July 17, 2019, regarding a complaint (Complaint Reference Number IC-56-0519) under the City's Code of Conduct for elected officials be received;

    b) That Council provide direction on the implementation of a reprimand as recommended in the Integrity Commissioner Office’s report.

  • a) That the Report from Deborah C. Anschell, ADR Chambers, Integrity Commissioner Office for the City of Richmond Hill, dated August 29, 2019, regarding a complaint (Complaint Reference Number IC-65-0519) under the City's Code of Conduct for Elected Officials, be received;

    b) That Council provide direction on the implementation of a reprimand as recommended in the Integrity Commissioner Office’s report.

  • a) That the correspondence from Frank Bruce, 80 Baynards Lane, dated May 13, 2019 and September 4, 2019, regarding the applications submitted by Pietro and Mary Angaran, Susan Peccia and Ringo Canada Ltd. for 251, 253 and 259 Oxford Street be received.

  • That the following correspondence received regarding the Reports from the Integrity Commissioner Office for the City of Richmond Hill (Complaint Reference Numbers IC-56-0519 and IC-65-0519), be received as follows:

    a) Bonnie Low, dated September 16, 2019

    b) Otto Weavers, dated September 16, 2019

    c) Jane Wile, Ward 5 resident, dated September 17, 2019

    d) Colleen Bolton, Ward 5 resident, dated September 17, 2019

    e) Charles Zienius, 49 Sanderson Crescent, dated September 17, 2019

    f) Terry King, 63 Sanderson Crescent, dated September 17, 2019

    g) Lily Ramyar, dated September 17, 2019

  • a) That the correspondence from Pat Pollock, 67 Drumern Crescent, dated September 17, 2019, regarding the Revised Development Proposal and Section 37 Benefits Package submitted by Metroview Developments (Harding) Inc. for 9825 and 9839 Yonge Street, 254, 258 and 264 Church Street and 11 and 17 Harding Boulevard West, be received.

  • a) That the correspondence from Gisella Imbrogno, 6 Walkview Crescent, submitted September 17, 2019, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application submitted by RS2K Ltd. for 226 King Road, be received.

Moved by:  Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli

  • Whereas, the Rice Group has submitted correspondence and master plan (copy attached) regarding 1577 – 1621 Major Mackenzie Drive - Request for Employment Land Conversion.

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Council of the City of Richmond Hill has considered the Major Mackenzie and 404 Master Plan prepared for Rice Group by Studio TLA dated June 26, 2019 and approves in principle the addition of such uses to give effect to this plan; and

    That staff are hereby directed to process an Official Plan Amendment, initiated by the landowner, in accordance with A Place to Grow (Growth Plan 2019) Policy 2.2.5(10) and a corresponding Zoning Bylaw Amendment to permit the additional uses and the proposed development. A Recommendation Report is due back before Council by the end of November 2019.

Moved by: Councillor Chan

  • Whereas Canadians are increasingly conducting business transactions online such as banking and payment of utility fees and income taxes;

    Whereas the Canada Revenue Agency has provided the option to pay income taxes online through a third party;

    Whereas there are a number of municipalities in Canada, such as the City of Abbotsford and the City of Richmond, offer businesses and residents the option to pay property taxes online by credit cards;

    Whereas there have been requests from taxpayers in Richmond Hill to have the option to pay property taxes online by credit cards for convenience; and

    Whereas the City is taking progressive steps to provide options for businesses and residents to pay property taxes online;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved that staff be directed to look into the feasibility of accepting property tax payments by credit cards and report back to Council by March 31, 2020.


Explanation:  Aspen (OHD) Developments Inc. - 14, 16, 18 and 19 Quasar Avenue and 26 and 30 Callisto Lane - City File D04-19017

Explanation:  Emerald Peak Homes Inc. - 9382, 9384, 9386, 9388, 9390, 9392, 9394 and 9396 Bayview Avenue - City File D04-19018

Explanation:  Mattamy (Elgin Mills) Limited - 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91 and 93 Casley Avenue - City File D04-19019

Explanation:  Mattamy (Elgin Mills) Limited - 46, 48 and 50 William F. Bell Parkway and 41, 43 and 45 Casley Avenue - City File D04-19015

Explanation:  Mattamy (Elgin Mills) Limited - 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 Casley Avenue, 12,14 and 16 Christchurch Street, 6, 8 and 10 Christchurch Street, 68, 70, 72, 74 and 76 Casley Avenue, and 29, 31, 35 and 37 McGarth Avenue - City File D04-19016

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