a) That Budget Committee of the Whole recommends that the Mayor submit, for Council’s review, a 2024 Capital Budget that includes the following:
- A 2024 Capital Budget in the amount of $102,161,700 that includes project management and overhead costs as identified in Appendix 'A' of staff report SRCFS.23.054, funded from those sources identified in Appendix 'B' of staff report SRCFS.23.054;
- Contingent 2024 Capital Budget pending approval of grant funding, for projects listed and funded from those sources identified in Appendix 'C' of staff report SRCFS.23.054; and
b) That Budget Committee of the Whole recommends that Council receive for information purposes the 2025-2033 Capital Forecast as identified in Appendix 'D' of staff report SRCFS.23.054, in the amount of $1,678,173,000 that includes project management and overhead costs.