a) That staff report SRCFS.24.025 regarding the 2025 Capital and Operating Budget Strategy, be received;
b) That Budget Committee of the Whole recommends the Mayor directs staff to present a 2025 Draft Capital Budget that:
- Continues to manage the City’s capital program reflective of the City’s Strategic Priorities;
- Maximizes all funding from external sources, development charges and reserve funding;
- Proposes funding, including project management and overhead costs not to exceed:
- $33.3 million from Tax Supported Reserve Funds
- $23 million from Development Charges Reserve Funds
- $6 million from Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund
- The principles of the approved 2024 Water and Wastewater Financial Plan
- The existing capital contribution levels for Water Quality Protection Reserve Fund
c) The Budget Committee of the Whole recommends the Mayor directs staff to prepare a 2025 Draft Operating Budget that:
- Supports the City’s Strategic Priorities;
- Utilizes the budget considerations outlined in staff report SRCFS.24.025 as a guideline;
- Staff identify service level changes to meet the guideline;
- Proposes a Capital Asset Sustainability Levy in the operating budget equivalent to 1.5% tax rate increase.
d) The Budget Committee of the Whole recommends the Mayor directs staff to present a 2025 Draft Water & Wastewater Budget that reflects the wholesale rate increase from Region of York and approved factors from the Water/Wastewater Financial Plan;
e) The Budget Committee of the Whole recommends the Mayor directs staff to present a 2025 Draft Stormwater Management Budget that aligns with long-term requirements;
f) The Budget Committee of the Whole recommends the Mayor directs staff to proceed with the 2025 Budget process in accordance with the timetable outlined in Appendix “A” and guidelines described in staff report SRCFS.24.025.