That the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee recommends to Council:
a) That staff report SRCS.24.14 regarding the Operations Centre and Yard Renovations be received;
b) That staff complete an Operational Needs Assessment and implementation roadmap that details the future Operations Centre and Yard needs in order to determine the recommended future capital improvements for the facility over the next 10-20-40 years;
c) That staff not proceed with the previously approved Value Engineering Review;
d) That staff continue to move forward, pending budget availability, with phased construction commencing in 2027 of the high priority remaining items from the 2016 update of the Master Development Study and Plan;
e) That the City pause construction of the Frost-Free Storage building pending the completion of the Operational Needs Assessment that will confirm the scope and scale of the future facilities, as well as the Richmond Green Master Plan that will impact the existing equipment storage facility on that site;
f) That staff report back on interim debt financing for future Public Works projects in advance of the 2026 capital budget process.