Council Meeting

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario

Mayor David West



City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).


Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.


Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation. 


Public Forum: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on a matter not on the agenda must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Persons wanting to address Council during the Public Forum portion of the meeting must register by sending an email to [email protected] or by using the on-line form found on Public Forum participation can be in-person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. A maximum of five persons will be allowed to register for the Public Forum on a first come first serve basis.

We are gathering on lands that have been home to First Nations Peoples from time immemorial. We acknowledge that what we now call Richmond Hill is on the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations of the Williams Treaty. We also recognize that we are on part of the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and the Huron Wendat.

We would also like to acknowledge all First Nation, Inuit and Métis peoples from across North America, also known as Turtle Island, who now reside in the City of Richmond Hill. We are committed to rebuilding constructive and cooperative relationships.

  • a) That the minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting AAC#02-23 held June 8, 2023, be adopted.

  • That the minutes of Budget Committee of the Whole BCW#05-23 held September 26, 2023, be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved: 

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.23.042 regarding the 2023 Operating Forecast be received for information purposes;

    b) That staff be directed to report back on the advisability and effectiveness of investing a portion of the 2023 Operating Surplus to hire additional contract staff resources to effectively and materially advance and accelerate the building of housing that meets the Region of York’s definition of affordable, the purpose of this initiative being within the jurisdiction and power afforded to municipalities, to find ways to see built in the near future, more housing that is affordable to more people for our current and future residents, and to assist Richmond Hill in meeting our Provincial Housing Pledge; and

    c) That staff report back to Council through the 2024 Operating Budget process.

  • a) That the 2024 Budget Consultation be deferred to 2025 after the new Strategic Plan is approved by Council;

    b) That Council endorse in principle funding for the 2025 Budget Consultation, to be considered in the 2024 Operating Budget.

  • a) That the proposed fees set out in draft By-law 94-23, attached as Appendix 'D' to staff report SRCFS.23.041, be adopted;

    b) That Council approve that the Tariff of Fees By-Law be amended to delegate fee indexing to the Treasurer.

  • That the minutes of Committee of the Whole meeting CW#11-23 held October 4, 2023, be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:

  • a) That the sole source renewal of SAP software licenses, maintenance and support be awarded non-competitively to SAP Canada Inc. for a contract duration of five (5) years and a cost not exceeding $2,961,000, exclusive of taxes, pursuant to Appendix “B” Part I, Section (c) of the Procurement By-law 113-16 in order to ensure compatibility with existing SAP software used and maintained by the City of Richmond Hill staff;

    b) That the Commissioner of Corporate and Financial Services, and upon the recommendations of the Chief Information Officer, be authorized to execute any necessary documentation to effect the contract(s).

  • a) That the sole source renewal of Tax Manager licenses, maintenance and support be awarded non-competitively to the City of Mississauga for a contract duration of five (5) years and a cost not exceeding $1,037,000, exclusive of taxes, pursuant to Appendix “B” Part I, Section (c) of the Procurement By-law 113-16 in order to ensure compatibility with existing TXM software used and maintained by the City of Richmond Hill staff;

    b) That the Commissioner of Corporate and Financial Services, and upon the recommendations of the Chief Information Officer, be authorized to execute any necessary documentation to effect the contract(s).

  • a) That the timing for Area Specific Development Charge payments for Subdivision File 19T-11004 be delayed until execution of site plan or subdivision agreements for development Blocks within 19T-11004 after registration of the plan for 19T-11004;

    b) That the Subdivision Agreement for 19T-11004 to be executed by the Mayor and Clerk include provisions to reflect this delayed timing for Area Specific Development Charge payments upon the written recommendation of the Director of Financial Services and Treasurer.

  • a) That staff report SRCS.23.18 regarding the 2023 Richmond Hill Age-Friendly Community Strategy be received;

    b) That the 2023 Richmond Hill Age-Friendly Community Strategy, attached as Appendix 'A' to staff report SRCS 23.18, be approved.

  • a) That staff report SRIES.23.002 regarding Provincial Legislative Changes to the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval Process and Delegated Authority, be received for information;

    b) That Council delegate signing authority to the Manager of Water Resources, Director of Infrastructure Planning and Development Engineering, and the Executive Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services as it pertains to applications and approvals for the City’s drinking water, wastewater and stormwater management systems under the Province’s Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Compliance Approval process (CLI-ECA).

  • a) That staff report SRPBS.23.008 regarding the Urban Forest Management Plan Progress Update, 2020 to 2022, and the attached Urban Forest Management Plan Progress Tracker (2020-2022) and Urban Forest Study Fact Sheets, be received for information.

  • a) That staff report SRCM.23.16 regarding Streamline Development Approval Fund Final Reporting be received for information.

  • a) That Staff Report SRPBS.23.019 regarding a Street Naming Application submitted by Ramin Jalalpoor for the lands known as Part of Lots 11, 12, 13, 32, 35 and 36, and All of Lots 33 and 34, Plan 3805 and Part of Lots 13 and 53, Plan 3806 (Municipal Addresses: 265 and 305 16th Avenue and 86, 92, 94, 98, 102 and 106 Duncan Road) be approved subject to the following:

    1. That the proposed street Lloyd Hill Lane and Imogene Court be approved in accordance with SRPBS.23.019; and,
    2. That staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to implement the approval of the street names in accordance with SRPBS.23.019.



Explanation: Tralee Development Inc. - 0 Red Maple Road - PLC-23-0007

  • That Council move into Closed Session:

    a) To consider matters regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board in Ward 4, pursuant to Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001.