That Heritage Richmond Hill recommends to Council:
a) That the presentation by Julia Smith, Urban Design/Heritage Planner, regarding SRPI.23037, 2023 Heritage Grant Applications – Six Properties, be received with thanks;
b) That a Heritage Grant in the amount of $5,000 be approved towards the cost of emergency structural and roof repairs to the front verandah/balcony of the property located at 188 Gormley Road West (designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act), as outlined in SRPI.23.03;
c) That a Heritage Grant in the amount of $5,000 be approved towards the cost of replacing the roof of the Octagonal Vault located at 10066 Yonge Street (designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act), as outlined in SPRI.23.037;
d) That a Heritage Grant in the amount of $5,000 be approved towards the cost of replacing 20 deteriorated windows of the property at 12 Station Road (designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act), as outlined in SRPI.23.037;
e) That a Heritage Grant in the amount of $5,000 be approved towards the cost of replacing three deteriorated wood windows of the property located at 210 Richmond Street (designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act), as outlined in SPRI.23.037;
f) That a Heritage Grant in the amount of $750 be approved towards the cost of repainting exterior doors and windows of the property located at 16 Macleod Estate Court (designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act), as outlined in SRPI.23.037; and
g) That a Heritage Grant in the amount of $5,000 be approved towards the cost of installing a new front door and windows of the property located at 16 Bawden Drive (designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act), as outlined in SRPI.23.037.