Moved by: Mayor West
WHEREAS in the last 50 years, North American bird populations have dropped by more than 25% and three billion birds, including species that live in towns and cities, are gone due to predation by domestic cats, car and window collisions; and
WHEREAS birds play an essential role as pollinators and in maintaining healthy and resilient ecosystems; and
WHEREAS Nature Canada has developed a certification standard to certify eligible cities as a “Bird Friendly City” to recognize and celebrate the contributions they have made to save bird lives in their municipalities; and
WHEREAS on July 6th, 2022, Council approved the Updated Environment Strategy which included a new action, 8.4 “Explore policies and initiatives to create a more bird-friendly Richmond Hill”; and
WHEREAS on January 1st, 2023, the City has launched the updated Sustainability Metrics Program which includes two metrics focused on improving design practices to reduce bird mortality in new developments (IB-17: Light Pollution Reduction and IB-18: Bird-Friendly Design); and
WHEREAS the City is currently executing bird-friendly activities related to threat reduction, habitat protection and restoration, and community outreach and education; and
WHEREAS World Migratory Bird Day is an annual awareness campaign highlighting the need for conservation of migratory birds and their habitat, and celebrating World Migratory Bird Day is a mandatory criteria the City must fulfill in order to be Bird Friendly City certified.
1. That Council endorse the City’s efforts to be a certified Bird Friendly City through Nature Canada, and staff be directed to submit an application to Nature Canada;
2. That World Migratory Bird Day be proclaimed on an annual basis on the second Saturday of May;
3. That the proclamation be posted on the City’s website and staff be directed to promote the proclamation, and execute a World Migratory Bird Day event, as appropriate; and
4. That staff be directed to undertake activities to uphold the Bird Friendly City status, including support in the establishment of a community based Bird Team that includes community members and stakeholders and providing an annual report card to Nature Canada on activities related to the City’s Bird Friendly status.