Committee of the Whole Meeting
Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Chair, Godwin Chan, Regional and Local Councillor
City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).

Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s

Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.

  • The following individuals have registered as a delegation to address Committee regarding Item 11.8:

    1. David Crowley, 43 Greenbelt Crescent.
    2. John Li, 206 Brookside Road, on behalf of the Richmond Hill Umbrella Residents Group.
    3. Ian Andres, Goodmans LLP, on behalf of Metroview Developments (Garden) Inc.
  • a) That the minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting AAC#02-22 held June 23, 2022, be adopted.

  • a) That the minutes of Heritage Richmond Hill meeting HRH#02-23 held March 23, 2023, be adopted.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.04 regarding Indoor Turf Facilities be received.

    b) That the 2023 approved capital project for a Feasibility Study to investigate options for an indoor soccer facility at the Richmond Green West Field location be paused to facilitate further detailed analysis of needs and site options.

    c) That $50,000 from the Feasibility Study capital account be allocated to facilitate the completion of a detailed needs assessment and analysis of alternative siting options for indoor turf fields.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.13 regarding the 4 year schedule for community standards by-law reviews and by-law review framework be received;

    b) That the schedule of by-law reviews for the next four years contained within Staff Report SRCS.23.13 be endorsed.

    c) That the existing by-laws listed below, and all subsequent amendments to these by-laws be repealed:

    i. Convenience Store By-law No. 33-85, Municipal Code Chapter 710

    ii. Searchlight By-law No. 89-71, Municipal Code Chapter 749

    iii. Sign Hearings By-law No. 264-00, Municipal Code Chapter 741 

    iv. Fire Setting By-law No. 61-72, Municipal Code Chapter 1037

    v. Rooming House By-law No. 54-79

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.03 regarding the Indigenous Action Committee 1 Year Pilot Project be received.

    b) That the permit fees for parks, community meeting rooms and gymnasiums be waived for Indigenous groups as outlined in Staff Report SRCS.23.22.

    c) That the City provide in-kind promotions and equipment rentals to Indigenous groups wishing to host community events in partnership with the City on dates of national significance as outlined in Staff Report SRCS.23.22.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by Mercedeh Andalibi for the lands known as Part of Lot 16, Registered Plan 2113 (Municipal Address: 271 Old 16th Avenue), City Files D02-21017 and SUB-21-0004 (D03-21004), be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that the subject lands be rezoned from Residential Single Family Five (R5) Zone under Zoning By-law 107-86, as amended, to Residential Single Family Three (R3) Zone under By-law 107-86, as amended, with site specific exceptions as set out in Appendix “B” to Staff Report SRPI.23.046;

    (ii) that the amending Zoning By-law be presented at the May 10, 2023 Council meeting for consideration and enactment;

    (iii) that the Plan of Subdivision as depicted on Map 5 to Staff Report SRPI.23.046 be draft approved, subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix “C” to Staff Report SRPI.23.046;

    (iv) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law 83-22; and,

    b) That 10.53 persons equivalent of servicing allocation be assigned to the subject lands, to be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure in accordance with By-law 109-11, as amended.

  • a) That Staff Report SRPI.23.048 regarding the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Project be received, and that Council refer all comments back to staff.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.23.011 regarding Community Flag Raising and Flag Protocol Policy and Proclamation Policy Revisions be received.

    b) That the revised Proclamation Policy (Attachment “B”), Community Flag Raisings and Flag Protocol Policy (Attachment “D”), Customary Flag Configuration Procedure (Attachment “E”), and Flying Flags at Half-mast Procedure (Attachment “H”), attached to Staff Report SRCFS.23.011, be approved.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.23.026 regarding Richmond Hill’s 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan be received;

    b) That the Draft 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, attached as Attachment A to staff report SRCFS.23.026, be approved;

    c) That the approved 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan be posted to the City’s website as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

  • That the following correspondence regarding the Richmond Hill Centre Secondary Plan, be received: 

    1. David Crowley, 48 Greenbelt Crescent, dated April 28, 2023.
    2. Ian Andres, Goodmans LLP, on behalf of Metroview Developments (Garden) Inc., dated May 2, 2023.
    3. Bruce Hall, Principal, The Planning Partnership, on behalf of 1921318 Ontario Limited, dated May 2, 2023.
  • a) That the correspondence from Brian Chapnik, Vice-Chair, A Better Richmond Hill, dated April 29, 2023, regarding the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Project, be received.

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