Committee of the Whole Meeting


Meeting #:CW#03-19
Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Committee Members Present:
  • Mayor Barrow
  • Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola
  • Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli
  • Councillor Muench
  • Councillor Liu
  • Councillor West
  • Councillor Cilevitz
  • Councillor Chan
  • Councillor Beros


In the absence of the Chair Beros, Vice-Chair West called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

There were no Council announcements.

There were no emergency/time sensitive matters raised by Members of Committee.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    That the agenda be adopted as distributed by the Clerk.

    Carried Unanimously

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest by members of Council under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Committee consented to separate Items 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 for discussion.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    On a motion of Councillor Chan, Committee adopted those Item not identified for separate discussion.


There were no public hearings.

Chuck Thibeault, Executive Director, Central Counties Tourism, and Samantha Wainberg, Executive Director, York Region Arts Council, made a presentation to Committee to provide an overview of tourism development in the area. They highlighted the services provided by Central Counties Tourism and York Region Arts Council, and how they work collectively with municipalities in York Region, Durham Region, and Headwaters Region to demonstrate the economic importance of tourism. They provided statistics related to tourism in York Region and explained how embracing tourism helps communities attract new business, attract new residents, retain and grow current businesses, and become a vibrant place to live, work and visit. C. Thiebeault and S. Wainberg concluded their presentation by detailing the resources available to the Town of Richmond Hill through Central Counties Tourism, York Region Arts Council and various Joint Programs.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a) That the presentation by Chuck Thibeault, Executive Director, York, Central Counties Tourism, and Samantha Wainberg, Executive Director, York Region Arts Council, regarding an overview of tourism development be received with thanks.

    Carried Unanimously

Joanne Muench, Richmond Hill resident, addressed Committee regarding the Community Tennis Club Development. She advised of her passion for the game of tennis and highlighted her involvement with the Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Club. Ms. Muench reviewed the benefits of implementing a second community tennis club at David Hamilton Park, and requested that staff proceed with a public meeting for the David Hamilton Park Community Tennis Club, and review the growth and development of future community tennis clubs in Richmond Hill in a couple of years.

Joanne Muench, Richmond Hill resident, addressed Committee regarding the Member Motion submitted by Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola regarding Change of Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting Time. Ms. Muench expressed the importance for Richmond Hill residents to have the opportunity to voice their concerns at a Council or Committee of the Whole meeting and requested that Committee consider having one of the two meetings in the evening to allow for residents’ participation.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a) That the minutes of the Youth Action Committee meetings held on December 5, 2018 and January 9, 2019, be adopted as circulated.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a)  That Council approves the south area community tennis club location as David Hamilton Park;

    b)  That Council approves the north area community tennis club location in the West Gormley subdivision;

    c)  That staff conduct a public meeting on the recommended David Hamilton Park Community Tennis Club location;

    d)  That staff report back to Council with next steps recommendations for implementation.

  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli

    An amendment was:

    That the main motion be amended to read as follows:

    a)  That staff conduct a public meeting on the recommended north area community tennis club location in the West Gormley subdivision;

    b)  That staff conduct a public meeting on the recommended David Hamilton Park Community Tennis Club location;

    c)  That staff report back to Council with next steps recommendations for implementation.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    The main motion as amended:

    a)  That staff conduct a public meeting on the recommended north area community tennis club location in the West Gormley subdivision;

    b)  That staff conduct a public meeting on the recommended David Hamilton Park Community Tennis Club location;

    c)  That staff report back to Council with next steps recommendations for implementation.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a)  That the existing Waste By-Law 159-07, being Chapter 715 of the Town of Richmond Hill Municipal Code, and all subsequent amendments be repealed, and, that the Waste By-Law 18-19 attached as Appendix 1 to staff report SREIS.19.003 be enacted;

    b)  That the Town’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) By-law 69-16 be amended by replacing the existing Schedule “A” with the new Schedule “A” attached as Appendix 2 to staff report SREIS.19.003 (By-law 19-19) and that AMPS Penalty Notices for contraventions set out in the new Schedule “A” may be issued commencing July 1, 2019.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a) That a Capital Sustainability Steering Committee be established;

    b) That the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee Terms of Reference attached as Appendix “A” to staff report SRCFS.19.007 be approved.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4172, (Subdivision File 19T-04005) be approved;

    b) That the assumption of the external aboveground and belowground municipal services within the existing Birch Avenue road allowance associated with Subdivision File 19T-04005, be approved;

    c) That Day Lily Crescent within Plan 65M-4172 be assumed as public highway;

    d) That reserve Blocks 13 and 14 of Plan 65M-4172 (Subdivision File 19T-04005), be established as public highway to form part of Day Lily Crescent.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Transfer of Review agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to allow the Town to continue to participate in the Transfer of Review Program with the Ministry.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a)  That the proposed draft Plan of Condominium submitted by Stateview Homes (Rialto Towns) Inc. for lands known as Part of Block 1, Plan 65M-4602 (Municipal Addresses: 160 to 178 Elgin Mills Road West and 6 to 24 Deep River Lane), File Number  D05-16005, be draft approved, subject to the following:

    (i) That draft approval be subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix “A” to staff report SRPRS.19.030;

    (ii) That prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the Town’s Tariff of Fees By-law.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a)  That the Zoning By-law Amendment and Deeming By-law applications submitted by 2370637 Ontario Ltd. for the lands known as Lots 13 and 14, Plan M-1563 and Block 21 and Part of Block 22, Plan 65M-3372 (Municipal Addresses: 56 and 58 Maple Grove Avenue), Town File D02-18002 and D27-18002, be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) That the subject lands be rezoned from Residential Urban (RU) Zone under By-law 1275, as amended, to Single Detached Six (R6) Zone under By-law 313-96, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in staff report SRPRS.19.031;

    (ii)  That the amending Zoning By-law and Deeming By-law be brought forward to a regular Council meeting for consideration and enactment.

  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Whereas the safety of our residents is a primary concern of Council; and

    Whereas the Buttonville Airport is in close proximity to populated areas of Richmond Hill; and

    Whereas Cadillac Fairview have announced that Buttonville Airport will remain open for another five years; and

    Whereas Buttonville Airport is not currently operating with the most advanced and safest aeronautical instruments;

    Be it resolved that staff be directed to send a letter on behalf of Richmond Hill urging Buttonville Airport to cease deferring important modern instrument upgrades and indicating that Richmond Hill Council will assist with fundraising of the required investment to do so.

  • Moved by:Mayor Barrow

    An amendment was:

    That the motion be amended to read as follows:

    Be it resolved that staff be directed to send a letter on behalf of Richmond Hill urging Buttonville Airport to cease deferring important modern instrument upgrade.

    In favour: (6)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Councillor Liu, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Opposed: (2)Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, and Councillor Muench
    Carried (6 to 2)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Whereas the safety of our residents is a primary concern of Council; and

    Whereas the Buttonville Airport is in close proximity to populated areas of Richmond Hill; and

    Whereas Cadillac Fairview have announced that Buttonville Airport will remain open for another five years; and

    Whereas Buttonville Airport is not currently operating with the most advanced and safest aeronautical instruments;

    Be it resolved that staff be directed to send a letter on behalf of Richmond Hill urging Buttonville Airport to cease deferring important modern instrument upgrades.

    In favour: (7)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, Councillor Liu, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Opposed: (1)Councillor Muench
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Whereas Richmond Hill has a full time Council; and

    Whereas the current schedule for Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole was established to accommodate part time councillors; and

    Whereas neighbouring municipalities with full time Councils have Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings during the day; and

    Whereas having staff on-site during Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings offers advantages for commissioners and councillors; and

    Whereas having a business day following the weekend and prior to the meeting is advantageous for staff and Council;

    Therefore be it resolved that Richmond Hill Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will take place on alternate Tuesday's at 1:00 PM on a trial basis from April 2019 until September 2019 , to be reconsidered by Council at that time.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    An amendment was:

    That the motion be amended to read as follows:

    Therefore be it resolved that Richmond Committee of the Whole meetings will take place on alternate Tuesday's at 7:30 p.m., on a trial basis from April 2019 until September 2019, to be reconsidered by Council at that time.

  • Moved by:Councillor Liu

    Motion to Refer:

    That the motion to change Committee of the Whole and Council meeting times be referred to the Town Clerk for a report back on alternate options including a public consultation.

    In favour: (2)Councillor Muench, and Councillor Liu
    Opposed: (6)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Motion Failed to Carry (2 to 6)
  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    An amendment was:

    That the motion be amended to read as follows:

    Therefore be it resolved that Richmond Committee of the Whole meetings will take place on alternate Tuesday's at 7:30 p.m., on a trial basis from April 2019 until September 2019, to be reconsidered by Council at that time. 

    In favour: (4)Councillor Muench, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Opposed: (4)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, and Councillor Liu
    Motion Failed to Carry on a Tie Vote (4 to 4)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    The main motion:

    Whereas Richmond Hill has a full time Council; and

    Whereas the current schedule for Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole was established to accommodate part time councillors; and

    Whereas neighbouring municipalities with full time Councils have Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings during the day; and

    Whereas having staff on-site during Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings offers advantages for commissioners and councillors; and

    Whereas having a business day following the weekend and prior to the meeting is advantageous for staff and Council;

    Therefore be it resolved that Richmond Hill Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will take place on alternate Tuesday's at 1:00 PM on a trial basis from April 2019 until September 2019 , to be reconsidered by Council at that time.

    In favour: (5)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, Councillor Liu, and Councillor Chan
    Opposed: (3)Councillor Muench, Councillor West, and Councillor Cilevitz
    Carried (5 to 3)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Whereas Richmond Hill has a full time Council; and

    Whereas a two week lead time is longer than afforded neighbouring full time councils; and

    Whereas this timeline was established before the use of eScribe;

    Therefore be it resolved that the required lead time for notices of Member Motion be submitted to the Office of the Clerk by 12:00 PM, seven (7) calendar days from the applicable Council or Committee of the Whole Meeting.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Whereas the Municipal Act provides the opportunity to name an alternate Councillor for the duration of the term in the absence of the Mayor or Regional Councillors; and

    Whereas it is important that Richmond Hill maintains the opportunity to exercise all three of its votes at York Region Council meetings;

    Therefore be it resolved that Ward 1 Councillor Greg Beros be named the alternate Regional Councillor for the duration of the current term of Regional Council.

    In favour: (4)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, and Councillor Liu
    Opposed: (4)Councillor Muench, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Motion Failed to Carry on a Tie Vote (4 to 4)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Therefore be it resolved that the CAO of Richmond Hill shall be responsible for the appointment, employment, suspension and dismissal of Department Heads and shall have all the necessary ancillary powers and duties that are required in connection with the administration of such responsibilities, including the negotiation and execution of any and all agreements and documents; and

    Be it further resolved that the CAO of Richmond Hill shall review the municipality’s organizational structure regularly including the titles, functions and reporting structures of all departments, divisions, sections and individual employees and effect any changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the structure.

  • Therefore be it resolved that the CAO of Richmond Hill shall be responsible for the appointment, employment, suspension and dismissal of Department Heads and shall have all the necessary ancillary powers and duties that are required in connection with the administration of such responsibilities, including the negotiation and execution of any and all agreements and documents.

    In favour: (6)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, Councillor Muench, Councillor Liu, and Councillor West
    Opposed: (2)Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Carried (6 to 2)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola

    Be it further resolved that the CAO of Richmond Hill shall review the municipality’s organizational structure regularly including the titles, functions and reporting structures of all departments, divisions, sections and individual employees and effect any changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the structure.

    In favour: (7)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, Councillor Muench, Councillor Liu, Councillor West, and Councillor Chan
    Opposed: (1)Councillor Cilevitz
    Carried (7 to 1)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola


    The complete motion to read as follows:

    Therefore be it resolved that the CAO of Richmond Hill shall be responsible for the appointment, employment, suspension and dismissal of Department Heads and shall have all the necessary ancillary powers and duties that are required in connection with the administration of such responsibilities, including the negotiation and execution of any and all agreements and documents; and

    Be it further resolved that the CAO of Richmond Hill shall review the municipality’s organizational structure regularly including the titles, functions and reporting structures of all departments, divisions, sections and individual employees and effect any changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the structure.


There were no emergency/time sensitive matters.

There were no closed session items.

  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli

    That the meeting be adjourned 

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:41p.m.

No Item Selected