a) That staff report SRCFS.21.14, Implementation of Hybrid Council and Committee Meetings, be received;
b) That the plan to implement hybrid Council and Committee meetings as generally described in staff report SRCFS.21.14, be approved;
c) That in respect of hybrid Council Meetings, Special Council Meetings, Council Public Meetings, and any Committee whose membership does not include any citizen members:
(i) In-person participation or attendance at a meeting be limited to Members of Council and City staff for the months of April and May, 2021;
(ii) In-person delegations or Public Forum addresses begin no earlier than June 2021;
(iii) The Mayor (or Acting Mayor), in consultation with the City Manager and City Clerk, be delegated the authority to delay in-person participation by members of the public as a result of any COVID-19 public health restrictions;
(iv) Where less than four Members of Council, including the Chair, are able to participate in a meeting in-person, that meeting be conducted wholly as an electronic meeting; and
(v) The meeting Chair must participate in-person.
d) That where the Chair is not able to participate in-person in a hybrid meeting, in accordance with Clause (c)(v) of this resolution, the Chair shall have the discretion to designate an alternate Chair for that meeting while still being permitted to attend and vote at that meeting, or direct that the meeting be conducted wholly as an electronic meeting;
e) That Council Meetings, Special Council Meetings, Council Public Meetings, and any committee whose membership does not include citizen members, be conducted wholly electronically at any time that York Region is placed in the Grey – Lockdown category of the Government of Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework, or any other similar lockdown or stay-at-home order implemented by the Government of Ontario;
f) That following the lifting of COVID-19 public health restrictions, Members of Coucnil shall normally participate in Council Meetings, Special Council Meetings, Council Public Meeting, and any committee whose membership does not include citizen members, in-person with electronic participation for exceptional circumstances only as determined by the Chair and the Member.
g) That meetings of Heritage Richmond Hill, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Committee of Adjustment, and any other committee that includes citizen members, continue as wholly electronic meetings until such time as COVID-19 public health restrictions limiting access to the municipal offices has ended after which they be conducted wholly as in-person meetings with no electronic participation;
h) That the City Clerk be authorized to place on a future Council agenda any by-law required to amend Article 12 of the Procedure By-law to give effect to this resolution.