Council Meeting

(Electronic Meeting pursuant to Section 238(3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001)

Acting Mayor Joe DiPaola


Due to efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, City facilities will not be open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings until further notice. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City's YouTube Page (linked from the City's homepage).


Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda matters by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. the day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, considered as public information and noted in the public record.


Public Forum: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on a matter not on the agenda must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. noon the day before the meeting by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line form found on Public Forum will be by video conference via the internet or telephone only. A maximum of five persons will be allowed to register for the Public Forum on a first come first serve basis.


Electronic Delegations: The public may apply to appear as an electronic delegation by video conference or by telephone. Applications to appear as an electronic delegation must be submitted by 12 p.m. the day before the meeting by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as an electronic delegation.

  • a) That Staff Report SRPI.21.017 regarding Lucas Street Community Safety Zone, be received;

    b) That draft By-law 14-21 (Attachment 1 to staff report SRPI.21.017) be enacted to amend Article “1” of Municipal Code Chapter 1030 regarding Community Safety Zones within the City of Richmond Hill in order to designate Lucas Street from Trayborn Drive to Mill Street as a Community Safety Zone with an effective time of 24 hours per day, 7 days per week; and

    c) That York Regional Police (YRP) be advised of the new Community Safety Zone designation and be requested to provide necessary traffic enforcement.

  • a) That the request by Fifth Avenue Homes (King West) Inc. to add street names Chiara Rose and Davide Nicola to the City’s Council Approved Street Name List and the assignment of these street names to the private streets within the approved residential development on lands known as Lots 1, 2 and 3 and Block A, Registered Plan 484 (Municipal Addresses: 4,6,8,10 and 12 McCachen Street) not be supported for the reasons outlined in Staff Report SRPI.21.035.

  • a) That the installation of a ‘Level 2 Type C’ Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) be approved for the north approach of the Rollinghill Road and Jack Ashton intersection;

    b) That an in-year budget in the amount of $65,000 be approved to implement the PXO identified in a) and any related works identified in staff report SRPI.21.018; and

    c) That the budget identified be funded from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4570, Subdivision File 19T-12009, be approved;

    b) That the assumption of the external aboveground and belowground municipal services within the existing Bond Crescent road allowance, associated with Subdivision File 19T-12009, be approved;

    c) That the assumption of the external storm drainage services within Part 1 on Plan 65R-2419, associated with Subdivision File 19T-12009, be approved;

    d) That Elles Street and Wellspring Avenue, within the limits of Plan 65M-4570 (Subdivision File 19T-12009), be assumed as public highway;

    e) That the two year guarantee period of the above noted municipal services commence from September 22, 2020.

  • a) That the proposed draft Plan of Condominium application submitted by Collecdev (8868 Yonge) LP, for the lands municipally known as Part of Lot 38, Concession 1, W.Y.S. (Municipal Address: 8868 Yonge Street), City File D05-20008, be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) the draft approval be subject to the conditions set out as Appendix “A” to Staff Report SRPI.21.039;

    (ii) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law; and,

    (iii) that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Condominium Agreement referred to in Appendix “A” to SRPI.21.039, if required to do so.

  • a) That Staff Report SRPI.21.034 with respect to the Site Plan application submitted by Golden Heights Real Estate Investment Corporation for lands known as Part of Blocks F and G, Plan 1916 (Municipal Address: 12050 Yonge Street), City File D06-12089, be received for information purposes and that all comments be referred back to staff; and,

    b) That the authority to assign servicing allocation for the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure subject to the criteria in the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy.

  • a) That staff be authorized to execute a funding transfer payment agreement with the provincial Office of the Fire Marshal for a Fire Safety Grant of $52,700 for equipment and software to increase training opportunities and establish a virtual inspection program, as outlined in staff report SRCM.21.04.

  • a)That the remuneration paid to Member of Council appointed as Acting Mayor for a period of time greater than one (1) month be the same as the remuneration payable to the Mayor for the duration of the appointment as Acting Mayor.

    b)That draft By-law 45-21, Attachment A to staff report SRCFS.21.022, be enacted to consolidate previous Council decisions in respect to the remuneration paid to Members of Council, as well as authorize remuneration for an Acting Mayor appointed for a period of time greater than one (1) month.

  • a) That SRCS.21.08 regarding the appointment of Hearing Officers be received.

    b) That W. Paul Dray and James B. Georgeff be re-appointed as Hearing Officers pursuant to the Screening and Hearing Officer Bylaw No. 70-16, as amended, for a term ending June 12, 2024.

Moved by: Councillor Muench

  • Whereas, the Province of Ontario is asking for input into the greenbelt expansion and needs (CONSULTATION ON GROWING THE SIZE OF THE GREENBELT) by April 19, 2021;

    Whereas, the farming community has encountered significant challenges to continuing its agricultural businesses in Richmond Hill’s northeast sector as a result of the approval of the urban West Gormley and North Leslie Secondary Plans resulting in:

    a. development that is encroaching into, and surrounded, farmland;

    b. York Region’s road widening and urbanization of Leslie Street and its proposed realignment that has created traffic congestion which has made the operation of farming machinery on local roads a SAFETY CONCERN;

    c. the creation of two new GO Stations with significant infrastructure investment driving further urbanization of the area;

    d. light pollution from urban uses causing substantive challenges to ongoing farming operations; and

    e. the loss of the economic support system for the area farms and the agricultural industry in the area with very little support for these farming operations as it did 20 years ago; and

    Whereas, there is very little cropland and innovative production farming is no longer economically viable, with only a few actual farms remaining in the area; and

    Whereas, the soil conditions in the area are poor for farming and the lands are not “prime agricultural lands” as the Region and Province have indicated; and

    Whereas, the arbitrary sterilization of lands through the current Countryside designation restricts the opportunity for the farming operations to relocate to other more viable jurisdictions to carry on the industry and family farming businesses elsewhere in the Region and Province; and

    Whereas, farming and the agriculture business across all areas of York Region and the Province are not the same and a “one size fits all” policy is entirely inappropriate; and

    Whereas, soils, urbanization, economic viability, traffic, safety concerns and good long term planning should be taken into account here for the long-term use of farm land and considerations should be made to engage with direct consultation of farmland owners when land policies and land designations are being asserted;

    Therefore, be it resolved that the City of Richmond Hill;

    1. Support the future of traditional farming by evaluating the current farming situation in the Northeast area of the City through its Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) by studying the re-designation of Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside lands around and including the Gormley GO Station MTSA;

    2. Request that York Region do the same evaluation during its current Municipal Comprehensive Review; and

    3. Provide input to the Province related to the Provincial Consultation on Growing the Greenbelt by requesting that the Province study the re-designation of Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside lands to Oak Ridges Moraine Settlement Area and where appropriate Natural Linkage and/or Natural Core; and

    4. Encourage the Province of Ontario take the input from these MCR’s and carry out a proper evaluation of the Greenbelt Policies as provided for in its Question 6 related to “Other priorities that should be considered.”

    5. Ask the Province of Ontario to assist wherever possible to link designations and consider collaborative approaches including creating a provincial park to create a linear park system within the Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt.

    6. Send a copy of this resolution to York Regional Council, Members of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P.s) in York Region, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Transportation.

Moved by: Acting Mayor DiPaola

  • Whereas a 2018 Compliance Audit completed by Brook Laker and Associates (SRCFS.18.044) recommended that a policy for Council Members’ events be developed for the beginning of the 2018-2022 term of Council, to be consistent with the Members of Council Expense Policy and include direction on eligible expenditures, appropriate signing and approval authorities, and regular on-line reporting on the City’s website;

    And whereas Council considered a report from staff (SRCFS.18.049) on December 11, 2018 which provided a proposed Member of Council Community Event Policy to address this direction;

    And whereas Council received SRCFS.18.049 only, meaning that the policy was not enacted;

    And whereas the goal of transparency and accountability has therefore not be addressed with respect to Council Community Events, which are defined as a social or fundraising event planned by a Member (or by a Member and Staff acting on behalf of the Member), that has a broad community, cultural or celebratory focus, and is not related to the business, services or decisions of Council or Richmond Hill;

    And whereas other Ontario municipalities, such as Brampton, recognize the important work of Members of Council in supporting charitable causes and the need for transparency in Members’ involvement and set out parameters for this;

    And whereas given the restrictions of the current COVID-19 pandemic, in-person Council Community Events are not being scheduled;

    Now therefore Be It Resolved:

    That Council declare a moratorium on all Council fundraising and sponsorship for Council Community Events and freeze current funds held by the City for this purpose; and

    That staff be directed to report back in the fall of 2021 with a policy that addresses fundraising and sponsorship by Council members for Council events and the use of these funds for Council’s consideration.

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