a) That the 2022 Draft Capital Budget in the amount of $77,423,800 identified in Appendix “A” to staff report SRCFS.21.051 be approved;
b) That the 2022 Draft Capital Budget recommended funding sources identified in Appendix “D” to staff report SRCFS.21.051 be approved;
c) That the projects identified in the Projects Contingent on Grant Funding List in Appendix “B” to staff report SRCFS.21.051 be approved and funding allocated if grant funding becomes available;
d) That the Capital Forecast in the amount of $516,488,500 attached as Appendix “F” and Appendix “G” to staff report SRCFS.21.051 be received for information;
e) That draft By-Law 137-21, attached as Appendix “H” to staff report SRCFS.21.051, be referred to the October 27, 2021 Council meeting for adoption.