Committee of the Whole Meeting

Revised Agenda

Meeting #:CW#06-18
Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Chair, Godwin Chan, Councillor Ward 6

  • The Heritage Richmond Hill Committee presents its Report for meeting HRH#01-18 held February 13, 2018, and respectfully recommends that the minutes be adopted as circulated.

  • The Accessibility Advisory Committee presents its Report for meeting AAC#01-18 held February 14, 2018, and respectfully recommends that the minutes be adopted as circulated.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.18.012 regarding the 2019 Development Charges By-law Update Project Plan be received for information purposes.

  • a) That May 1 to May 7, 2018 be proclaimed as Youth Week in the Town of Richmond Hill.

  • a) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill and Blackmore Tennis Club Inc. upon the written recommendation of the Commissioner of Community Services.

  • a) That the 2018 outdoor special occasion permit requests outlined in staff report SRCS.18.12 be approved.

  • a) That staff report SREIS.18.005 regarding the Corporate Asset Management Update be received for information.

  • a) That staff report SRPRS.18.103 regarding a Private Street Naming Application submitted by Ideal (JS) Developments Inc. for the lands known as Blocks A, B and C, Plan 1916 (municipal addresses: 39, 53 and 67 Jefferson Sideroad) be approved subject to the following:

    (i) That the proposed private street names Bancroft Lane (P) and Kerns Lane (P) be approved in accordance with staff report SRPRS.18.103;

    (ii) That staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to a regularly scheduled Council meeting to implement the proposed private street names.

  • a) That the Municipal storm easement Instrument No. V63323, described as Part of Lot 13, Plan 1960, designated as Parts 18, 19, 20, and 21 on Plan 65R-37652 be released.

  • a) That the proposed draft Plan of Condominium submitted by 2217439 Ontario Inc. for lands known as Part of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Plan 1923 (municipal address: 9618 Yonge Street), File Number D05-17009, be draft approved, subject to the following conditions:

    (i) That draft approval be subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix 'A' to staff report SRPRS.18.092;

    (ii) That prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fees in accordance with the Town’s Tariff of Fees By-law 79-17;

    (iii) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Condominium Agreement referred to in Appendix 'A' to staff report SRPRS.18.092.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Parker Land Developer Inc. for lands known as Block 23, Registered Plan 65M-4572 and Lots 518, 519 and 520, Registered Plan 133 (municipal address: 51 Laurier Avenue), File Number D02-17036, be approved subject to the following:

    (i) That the subject lands be rezoned from RM under the former Township of King By-law 986, as amended, to Single Detached Four (R4) Zone under By-law 313-96, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards for the entirety of the subject lands as outlined in staff report SRPRS.18.099; 

    (ii) That the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Urbacon Properties Limited for the lands known as Part of Block 7, Registered Plan 65M-4114 and Block 13, Registered Plan 65M-4146 (municipal address: 0 Sofia Court), File Number D02-17037, be approved;

    b) That the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.

  • a) That the request by DG Group to transfer 875 persons equivalent of servicing allocation from draft approved Plan of Subdivision 19T-03006 (Raki Holdings Inc., File Number D03-03006) to draft approved Plan of Subdivision 19T-12013 (Richview 19 Holdings Inc., File Number D03-12013), be approved;

    b) That the servicing allocation be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services in accordance with By-law 109-11.

  • a) That Chapter 1030 of the Municipal Code (Community Safety Zone Designation) be amended to add the following:

    Roadway: Neal Drive
    Limits of Community Safety Zone: Crosby Avenue to Elgin Mills Road East
    Effective Time: 24 hours a day; 7 days a week

    b) That York Regional Police be notified of the new Community Safety Zone and be requested to provide the necessary enforcement;

    c) That Schedule A of Chapter 1126 of the Municipal Code (Speed Restrictions - Roads) be amended by deleting the following:

    Street: Neal Drive
    From: McConvey Drive South
    To: Taylor Mills Drive North

    Street: Neal Drive
    From: South limit of South Taylor Mills Drive
    To: North limit of Crosby Avenue

    And by adding the following:

    Street: Neal Drive
    From: Crosby Avenue
    To: Elgin Mills Road East

  • a) That Council receive the High Tech Road Active Transportation and Access Modifications Study by LEA Consulting Limited dated February 2018;

    b) That Chapter 1126, Schedule A (Speed Limits) of the Municipal Code be amended by adding the following to reduce the maximum posted speed limit on High Tech Road between Yonge Street and Red Maple Road from 50 km/h to 40 km/h:

    Street: High Tech Road
    From: Yonge Street
    To: Red Maple Road

    c) That Council approve funding of up to $14,000.00 from the Town-wide Engineering Development Charges Reserve Fund for the supply and installation of signage and pavement markings recommended in the High Tech Road Active Transportation and Access Modifications Study.

  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services (excluding the stormwater management facility within Block 32) within Plan 65M-4171, (Subdivision File Number 19T-03014 Phase 1), be approved;

    b) That the lands more particularly described as Chao Crescent, Betony Drive, Brockdale Street, Heron Hollow Avenue, Pavlova Crescent, Homerton Avenue and Linacre Drive within the limits of Plan 65M-4171, (Subdivision File Number 19T-03014 Phase 1), be assumed as public highway;

    c) That the assumption of the external sanitary drainage and storm drainage services within the existing King Road road allowance associated with Subdivision File Number 19T-03014 Phase 1, be approved;

    d) That the following reserve blocks be established as public highway:

    1. Block 25, Plan 65M-3900 (to form part of Glade Drive)
    2. Block 431, Plan 65M-3781 (to form part of Brockdale Street)
    3. Block 36, Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Chao Crescent)
    4. Blocks 37, 38, 39 and 40, Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Betony Drive)
    5. Blocks 41,42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Brockdale Street)
  • a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-4273, (Subdivision File Number 19T-03014 Phase 2), be approved;

    b) That the lands described as Pavlova Crescent, Linacre Drive, Homerton Avenue, Heron Hollow Avenue, and Betony Drive within the limits of Plan 65M-4273, (Subdivision File Number 19T-03014 Phase 2), be assumed as public highway;

    c) That the assumption of the external sidewalk and streetlighting services within the existing Bathurst Street and King Road road allowances associated with Subdivision File Number 19T-03014 Phase 2, be approved;

    d) That the following reserve blocks be establish as public highway:

    1. Block 50 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Linacre Drive)
    2. Block 49 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Pavlova Crescent)
    3. Block 19 Plan 65M-4278 (to form part of Pavlova Crescent)
    4. Block 158 Plan 65M-4273 (to form part of Pavlova Crescent)
    5. Block 51 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Homerton Avenue)
    6. Block 52 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Pavlova Crescent)
    7. Block 53 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Betony Drive)
    8. Block 54 Plan 65M-4171 (to form part of Heron Hollow Avenue)
    9. Block 24 Plan 65M-3900 (to form part of Heron Hollow Avenue)
  • a) That the Heritage Permit Application to relocate, rehabilitate and restore the Langstaff House at 107 Hall Street be approved subject to the following conditions:

    (i) The owner completes the Conservation Plan dated February 2018 in accordance with the Town’s requirements and staff’s satisfaction thereof;

    (ii) The owner obtains Site Plan Approval from the Town;

    (iii) The owner enters into a Heritage Relocation and Restoration Agreement containing provisions for the posting of securities considered by the Town to be sufficient to provide for the post relocation restoration of the structure in accordance with the accepted Conservation Plan and restricting any site works including building relocation until Site Plan Approval has been issued; and

    b) That upon registration of the approved condominium reference plan, an amendment to the Heritage Designation By-law also be registered on the revised title to the property.

(Not previously proclaimed in the Town of Richmond Hill)

  • That April 30, 2018 be proclaimed John Peters Humphrey Day in the Town of Richmond Hill.

  • That the correspondence received from Murray Evans, Evans Planning Inc., dated April 20, 2018, representing Livante Management (Hall Street) Inc., regarding Staff Report SRPRS.18.110 Heritage Permit Application for 107 Hall Street, be received.

  • That the correspondence received from Murray Evans, Evans Planning Inc., dated April 23, 2018, regarding Staff Report SRPRS.18.110 Heritage Permit Application for 107 Hall Street, be received.

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