Whereas in 1987 the original intention for starting construction on Hwy 407 was to relieve traffic congestion in the rapidly growing Greater Toronto Area (GTA); and
Whereas Ontario taxpayers paid $1.6 Billion to have Hwy 407 constructed; and
Whereas tolls were to be used to exclusively cover the highway’s construction costs; and
Whereas those tolls would be lifted once those costs were covered (expected to occur within 30 years); and
Whereas, in 1998, Premier Mike Harris passed Bill 70, allowing the sale of Highway 407 to a private consortium on a 99-year lease, enabling the consortium to set its own toll rates with no safeguards against rate hikes; and
Whereas by 2014 privatization has led to a 300% increase in tolls, limiting the use of Highway 407 by Ontario residents and causing high traffic volumes on local roads; and
Whereas high tolls disproportionately affect low- and mid-income Ontario residents who rely on the Highway for commuting to work; and
Whereas trucking companies avoid Highway 407 due to its tolls, leading to high volumes of trucks on GTA roads, particularly on Highway 7 as well as Highway 401; and
Whereas a Transport Action Ontario study suggests a toll subsidy for trucks could increase truck usage of Highway 407, reducing volume on Highway 401 by 12,000 - 21,000 trucks per day; and
Whereas subsidizing truck lanes on Highway 407 would facilitate faster delivery of goods, reduce gas emissions, reduce transport costs for Ontario businesses, and support local economic development; and
Whereas a pilot project to subsidize truck lanes on Highway 407 would provide valuable insights into the economic impact of diverting truck traffic from Highway 7 and Highway 401; and
Whereas this pilot program would allow the government to conduct a cost-benefit analysis measuring potential savings in lost productivity, reduced vehicle operating costs, and increased efficiency for Ontario businesses using Highway 407; and
Whereas toll revenues from Highway 407 currently benefit private entities, while Ontario residents continue to face high costs and unnecessary traffic volumes; and
Whereas potentially purchasing Highway 407 back would eliminate profit-driven motives, allowing for toll rates to reflect public interest rather than corporate profit; and
Whereas lower tolls from public ownership would increase highway usage, alleviate traffic on other highways, and generate revenue through increased usage; and
Whereas current trends suggest that unregulated tolls will continue to see Hwy 407 remain underutilized for the foreseeable future; and
Whereas MTO projections show commuter speeds below 20-40 km/hr on all 400-series Highways by 2041, except Highway 407, whether or not Highway 413 is built.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that:
- That the City of Richmond Hill requests the Government of Ontario to conduct a feasibility study assessing the financial, environmental, and logistical implications of buying back the lease for Highway 407.
- That the Government of Ontario be asked to explore the possibility of the private entity implementing:
- Dedicated truck lanes on Highway 407;
- A one-year pilot program to subsidize or eliminate tolls for dedicated truck lanes on Highway 407;
- An evaluation of the impact of dedicated truck lanes on traffic congestion, the environment and overall transportation efficiency.
- That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Ontario Minister of Transportation and the local MPP’s for Richmond Hill.
- That this resolution be circulated to all municipalities that host a portion of Highway 407.