Committee of the Whole Meeting

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Chair, Godwin Chan, Regional and Local Councillor
City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).

Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.

Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCM.23.008 be received for information;

    b) That the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) be advised:

    (i) That Council supports the revised development proposal as outlined in Report SRCM.23.008 and generally depicted on Maps 7 and 8 to Staff Report SRCM.23.008 associated with Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Gates of Bayview Inc. (City Files D01-19005 and D02-19023) for lands known as Part of Lots 37 and 38, Concession 1, E.Y.S. (Municipal Address: 0 Oneida Crescent);

    (ii) That the OLT be requested to approve the Official Plan Amendment substantially in accordance with the document in Appendix “B” to Staff Report SRCM.23.008;

    (iii) That the OLT be requested to approve the Zoning By-law Amendment substantially in accordance with the document in Appendix “C” to Staff Report SRCM.23.008;

    (iv) That pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the amending Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands;

    c) That the authority to assign servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure Services subject to the criteria in the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and that the assigned servicing allocation be released in accordance with the provisions of By-law 109-11; and,

    d) That appropriate City staff be directed to appear at the OLT in support of Council’s position concerning the above noted application.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCFS.23.028 regarding a Public Conduct and Complaints Policy be received;

    b) That the Public Conduct and Complaints Policy, Attachment “A to Staff Report SRCFS.23.028, be approved; and

    c) That the Accountability and Transparency Policy be amended to include the approved Public Conduct and Complaints Policy in the Section 4 list of Open Government and Public Participation policies.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.23.020, regarding Development Charges By-law Update - Status Update, be received for information purposes;

    b) That the 2023 Development Charges By-Law Update Plan as outlined in Appendix A to staff report SRCFS.23.020 be approved; and

    c) That the Director of Financial Services and Treasurer be authorized to schedule and give notice for the public meetings required by the Development Charges Act, 1997.

  • a) That a Capital Sustainability Steering Committee be reinstated;

    b) That the following members be appointed to the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee for this term of Council:

    1. Mayor, Chair of the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee
    2. Budget Chair
    3. Deputy Mayor
    4. Ward 1 and Ward 5 Local Councillors

    c) That the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee Draft Terms of Reference attached as Appendix “B” to staff report SRCFS.23.027 be approved;

    d) That the first meeting of the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee be scheduled upon Council’s approval of the Capital Sustainability Steering Committee’s Draft Terms of Reference.

  • a) That the Community and Cultural Grant applications listed in Appendix “A” to Staff Report SRCS.23.11, be received; 

    b) That Community and Cultural Grants totaling $64,640 be provided to the following community and cultural organizations, and individual artists:

    • CHATS $4,850
    • Community Living York South $5,000
    • Rise Above GTA Inc. $5,000
    • Salvation Army $1,000
    • Bindu Shah $5,000
    • Caterina Liberatore $500
    • Christos Damianos $2,500
    • Howard Wong $5,000
    • Kousha Nakhaei $5,000
    • Vania Chan $4,700
    • Chorus York $3,750
    • Dance Together Festival $5,000
    • Federation of Chinese Canadians in York Region $5,000
    • High Notes Avante Productions Inc. $3,750
    • Odeiwin $4,160
    • Origami Canada $680
    • Richmond Hill Philharmonic Orchestra $3,750
  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.14 regarding amendments to the Sign By-law be received;

    b) That By-law 62-23 (Attachment 1 to staff report SRCS.23.14) be enacted to amend the Sign By-law 52-09, Municipal Code Chapter 740 regarding the regulation of Highway and Digital Display Signs within the City of Richmond Hill;

    c) That By-law 63-23 (Attachment 2 to staff report SRCS.23.14) be enacted to amend the Sign By-law 52-09, Municipal Code Chapter 740 regarding the regulation of Election Signs within the City of Richmond Hill.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.16, regarding amendments to the Refreshment Vehicle Licensing By-law, be received;

    b) That By-law 59-23 (Attachment 1 to staff report SRCS.23.16) be enacted to amend the Refreshment Vehicle Licensing By-law 195-05 (Municipal Code Chapter 875);

    c) That By-law 69-23 (Attachment 2 to staff report SRCS.23.16) be enacted to amend Schedule ‘A’ of the Administrative Penalties By-law 69-16, as amended, to include designated Refreshment Vehicle Licensing By-law offences.

  • a) That staff report SRCS 23.06 regarding the City’s Emergency Management Program be received;

    b) That the Emergency Management Program and Emergency Plan By-law 47-23, attached to Staff Report SRCS.23.06 as Appendix 1, be enacted;

    c) That the approved 2023 Emergency Plan (Schedule “A” to By-law 47-23) be posted on the City’s website and made available to the public in hardcopy upon request.

  • a) That staff report SRPI.23.055 regarding the City of Richmond Hill 2023 State of Infrastructure Report, be received for information purposes; and

    b) That the City of Richmond Hill 2023 State of Infrastructure Report, be endorsed.

  • a) That Council authorize and increase the amount of the City’s capital project West Beaver Creek Pond A (SWMF 27-2) Rehabilitation account P/000560, by $890,000, from $3,777,500 to $4,667,500;

    b) That the capital project budget increase be funded from the following sources:

    1. That $270,000.00 of the increase be funded through the Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund;
    2. $620,000.00 from the Water Quality Protection Reserve Fund;

    c) That staff continue with the award of this contract to the low bidder.

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