Committee of the Whole Meeting

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Chair, Councillor Carol Davidson
City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).

Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.

Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.

  • a) That the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by J-G Cordone Investments Ltd. for the lands known as Part of Lot G, Registered Plan 1916 (municipal address: 12030 Yonge Street), City Files D01-20017 and D02-20032, be approved, subject to the following:

    1. that the City’s Official Plan be amended to include site specific policies as outlined in staff report SRPBS.24.008;
    2. that the draft Official Plan Amendment 52, attached as Appendix “B” to SRPBS.24.008, be brought forward to a future Council meeting for consideration and adoption;
    3. that the subject lands be rezoned from General Commercial One (GC1) Zone under By-law 2523, as amended, to Village Centre Commercial (VCC) Zone under By-law 235-97, as amended, with site-specific development standards to facilitate the development proposal as outlined in staff report SRPBS.24.008;
    4. that the draft amending Zoning By-law, attached as Appendix “C” to SRPBS.24.008, be finalized to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Building Services and brought forward to a future Council meeting for consideration and enactment;
    5. that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft amending Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands; and,

    b) That Council assign 293.28 persons equivalent of municipal servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands to be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Building Services, subject to the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and in accordance with the provisions of By-law 109-11, as amended.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Neuhaus Puccini Villas Ltd. for lands known as Part of Lots 6 and 7, and Lots 9 and 10, Plan 484 (municipal addresses: 7 Poplar Drive and 11, 15 and 17 McCachen Street), City File D02-22009, be approved, subject to the following:

    1. that the subject lands be rezoned from Residential Urban (RU) Zone under By-law 1275, as amended, and Single Detached Five (R5) Zone under By-law 313-96, as amended, to Semi-Detached One (RD1) Zone and Single Detached Six (R6) Zone under By-law 313-96, as amended, with site-specific development standards to facilitate the development proposal as outlined in staff report SRPBS.24.055;
    2. that prior to the amending Zoning By-law being brought forward for enactment, appropriate restrictions have been registered on title of the subject lands under Section 118 of the Land Titles Act;
    3. that the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a future Council meeting for consideration and enactment; and,
    4. that pursuant to Section 34(18) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands.

    b) That Council assign 40.67 persons equivalent of municipal servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands, to be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Building Services in accordance with By-law 109-11, as amended.

  • a) That By-law 39-24 be enacted in the form of the draft By-law attached as Appendix A to staff report SRCFS.24.009 to establish and adopt tax rates for 2024 on the assessment in each property class;

    b) That the billing and collection of taxes, special assessments, defaulted fines and fees including the tax installment due dates for residential and non-residential properties be authorized.

  • a) That the City of Richmond Hill Water Financial Plan, attached as Appendix B to staff report SRCFS.24.026, be approved as required under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, O. Reg. 453/07 to maintain the City’s municipal drinking water license;

    b) That a copy of the City of Richmond Hill Financial Plan be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing;

    c) That a copy of the resolution approving the City of Richmond Hill Water Financial Plan be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) as required under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, O. Reg. 453/07.

  • a) That staff report SRCS.24.09 regarding the new Property Standards and Clean Neighbourhoods By-laws be received;

    b) That Property Standards By-law 62-24, attached as Attachment 1 (Municipal Code Chapter 1010) to SRCS.24.09, be enacted;

    c) That the Clean Neighbourhoods By-law 63-24, attached as Attachment 2 to SRCS.24.09, be enacted;

    d) That By-law 64-24, attached as Attachment 3 to SRCS.24.09, be enacted to include designated Property Standards By-law offences as Schedule ‘C’ of the Administrative Penalties By-law 69-16, as amended;

    e) That By-law 65-24, attached as Attachment 4 to SRCS.24.09, be enacted to include designated Clean Neighbourhoods By-law offences in Schedule ‘A’ of the Administrative Penalties By-law 69-16, as amended.

    f) That the following By-laws be repealed:

    • Property Standards By-law 79-99 as amended;
    • Adequate Heat By-law 399-90, as amended (Municipal Code Chapter 982);
    • Boarding By-law 92-92, as amended (Municipal Code Chapter 955);
    • Abandoned Appliances By-law 136-75, as amended;
    • Anti-Graffiti By-law 69-07.
  • a) That staff report SRCS.24.10 regarding the future use of the Lake Wilcox Boathouse be received;

    b) That staff initiate a consultation process that includes an Expression of Interest to investigate a preferred partnership arrangement for future use of the Lake Wilcox Boathouse, and public engagement to better understand community desires for the site;

    c) That the Lake Wilcox Canoe Club Precinct Plan be moved further into the future in the City’s 10 Year Capital Forecast pending determination of the future of the Lake Wilcox Boathouse;

    d) That, upon the recommendation the Commissioner of Community Services, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute license agreements to facilitate Richmond Hill Canoe Club use of the Lake Wilcox Boathouse until such time as a decision is made regarding the future of the Boathouse.

  • a) That staff report SRIES.24.015 regarding the 2024 Asset Management Plan be received;

    b) That the City’s 2024 Asset Management Plan, attached as Attachment 'A' to staff report SRIES.24.015, be approved;

    c) That the City’s updated 2024 Strategic Asset Management Policy, attached as Attachment 'B' to staff report SRIES.24.015, be approved;

    d) That the 2024 Asset Management Plan and updated 2024 Strategic Asset Management Policy be posted on the City’s website and be submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure.

- (refer to Item 11.2)

  • That the correspondence received subsequent to the Council Public Meeting held on September 7, 2022, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application submitted by Neuhaus Puccini Villas Ltd. for 7 Poplar Drive and 11, 15 and 17 McCachen Street, be received as follows:

    1. Jennifer Du, 11 Poplar Drive, dated May 2, 2022.
    2. Jennifer Du, 11 Poplar Drive, dated September 7, 2022.

Moved by: Mayor West

  • WHEREAS the City has a tradition of protecting its natural environment and working with residents, partners, and other levels of governments to build a more resilient and sustainable community;

    WHEREAS the City is committed to pursuing greater environmental sustainability and climate resilience through the goals, targets, and actions in its Environment Strategy, Community Energy and Emissions Plan, Climate Change Framework, and related plans and policies;

    WHEREAS the concept of sustainability – encompassing three interconnected “pillars” supportive of social, environmental, and economic sustainability – is increasingly informing the City’s core documents, such as the Strategic Plan and Official Plan, and its approach to land use planning;

    WHEREAS Richmond Hill supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim to improve social outcomes across the globe by holistically addressing issues of inequality and environmental degradation, and finds alignment with applicable “urban SDGs” – notably #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities;

    WHEREAS the Urban Economy Forum (UEF) (an international organization that engages with the United Nations (UN) to lead global dialogue on sustainable urban resources), in partnership with UN-Habitat and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, launched the Toronto-based World Urban Pavilion (Pavilion) in 2020 as a knowledge-exchange hub to share best practices, innovation and research in urban development and revitalization from countries around the world;

    WHEREAS UEF has invited the City of Richmond Hill to participate in the Pavilion’s flagship program, Canada: Frontrunner of Urban SDGs, which aims to build on existing initiatives and work with cities to identify, design and implement pilot projects to address significant urban challenges and share lessons learned from around the world; and

    WHEREAS Richmond Hill’s participation entails identification of existing projects, programs and initiatives that can be showcased as exemplary urban SDG achievements, and identification of planned projects that can be pursued with World Urban Pavilion support for future showcasing.

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That:

    a) The Council of the City of Richmond Hill agrees to collaborate with the Urban Economy Forum and World Urban Pavilion as a participant in the Canada: Frontrunner of Urban SDGs program, by signing an agreed upon Letter of Intent;

    b) Staff be directed to work with the Urban Economy Forum and World Urban Pavilion to create and promote an Urban Transformation Profile for Richmond Hill as part of the Frontrunner City Program;

    c) Staff be further directed to further explore the nature of this collaboration as a Canada: Frontrunner of Urban SDGs, with consideration of existing staff capacity and resources, in order to define the terms of participation in a jointly developed Memorandum of Understanding with the Urban Economy Forum and World Urban Pavilion; and,

    d) A copy of this resolution be circulated to the Urban Economy Forum, World Urban Pavilion, UN University (Richmond Hill), and Richmond Hill’s Members of Parliament.

No Item Selected