a) That staff report SRCS.24.15 regarding a proposed Automated Speed Enforcement Program be received;
b) That the proposed Automated Speed Enforcement Program, using Newmarket’s Joint Processing Centre and internal adjudication of Penalty Orders (tickets) through the City’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System, be endorsed;
c) That the Administrative Penalties for Automated Enforcement By-law 123-24, attached as Attachment 1 to staff report SRCS.24.15, be enacted;
d) That the City Manager be delegated authority to execute all necessary agreements with the Town of Newmarket, Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Attorney General to implement the Automated Speed Enforcement program;
e) That staff report back to Council in 2025 with an update on the Automated Speed Enforcement Program to confirm the number and location of sites, outline a comprehensive public awareness plan, and present an implementation timeline.