Committee of the Whole Meeting
Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Chair, Joe DiPaola, Regional and Local Councillor
City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).

Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.

Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.

  • a) That the minutes of Heritage Richmond Hill meeting HRH#01-23 held February 28,2023 be adopted.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.23.040 regarding Semi Annual Report, Non-Competitive Acquisitions, be received for information purposes only.

  • a) That the contract for the provision of parts and maintenance services for highly specialized equipment, including ancillary attachments, be awarded non-competitively to Joe Johnson Equipment, Viking-Cives Ltd., Brandt Tractor, and Turf Care Canada Inc., for a term of five (5) years and for a cost not exceeding $3,330,000 (exclusive of taxes), pursuant to Appendix “B”, Part I, section (c) of Procurement By-Law 113-16;

    b) That the Commissioner of Community Services be authorized to execute any and all necessary documentation to affect the contract.

  • a) That staff report SRCS.23.17 regarding Election Sign amendments to the Sign By-law be received; 

    b) That By-law 96-23 (Attachment 1 to staff report SRCS.23.17) be enacted to amend the Election Sign component of the Sign By-law 52-09, Municipal Code Chapter 740.

Moved by: Regional and Local Councillor Chan

  • Whereas on September 16, 2022, Mahsa Amini, a 22 year old woman was arrested in Iran for allegedly wearing her hijab improperly and subsequently died while under detention by police;

    Whereas Richmond Hill was the rally venue where over 50,000 Iranian Canadians gathered to mourn the passing of Mahsa Amini and show support for freedom and equality of Iranian women on October 1, 2022;

    Whereas Iranian Canadian community continues to hold rally in Richmond Hill in support of the movement for “Woman, Life, Freedom” since October 2022;

    Whereas all three levels of Government officials had attended the rally in Richmond Hill on October 1, 2022, including Mayor West and Council members to support the cause of the Iranian Canadian community;

    Whereas Richmond Hill Council stand in solidary with the Iranian Canadians in the call for freedom and democratic rights for all and equality for women in Iran; and

    Whereas September 16, 2023 will be the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That:

    1. Council declare September 16, 2023 as “Mahsa Amini Memorial Day".

    2. Council direct staff to identify the appropriate location to plant a tree and install a bench with memorial plaque in Richmond Hill to commemorate the anniversary of Mahsa Amini ‘s death and support the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, and report back on the timing of tree planting and bench installation.

Moved by: Regional and Local Councillor Chan

  • Whereas Richmond Hill celebrates 150th anniversary in the year 2023, and the City has launched initiatives such as murals, photo contest as part of the celebration throughout the year;

    Whereas it has been a customary practice to preserve a collection of informational materials such as news articles, and memorabilia at significant milestone in time capsules;

    Whereas Richmond Hill Heritage Centre has been distributing free time capsule kit to residents of Richmond Hill;

    Whereas there will be an opportunity to prepare the collection items to be sealed in a City Time Capsule at the Merry Market, a City event scheduled for November 2023 for the holiday season;

    Whereas there has been examples in Canadian municipalities such as Thunder Bay, Ontario created a time capsule in 1995 to mark the occasion of 25th anniversary as a city after amalgamation to be opened in another 25 years in 2020; and

    Whereas it is desirable to engage Richmond Hill Public Library and Heritage Centre regarding archival value in collecting the present informational materials for the future;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved:

    Council direct staff to review the feasibility of preparing a City Time Capsule and identifying the appropriate collections in consultation with the Richmond Hill Public Library and Heritage Centre as an official initiative to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Richmond Hill; and to report back by November 2023.

Moved by: Councillor Davidson

  • Whereas, Richmond Hill residents are concerned about traffic and road safety in our communities and it is an urgent priority; and

    Whereas, every day, residents reach out to Members of Council to demand that visible and measurable actions be taken to make our roads safer; and

    Whereas, Richmond Hill Members of Council recognize and prioritize the importance of community safety, reducing vehicular speeding and traffic congestion in neighbourhoods, around school zones, community centres and park areas; and

    Whereas, on August 24, 2023, the York Regional Police Community Safety Data Portal showed the following data that was captured against the same period a year ago in Richmond Hill:

    • 3549 total traffic collisions up 20.2%
    • 2726 traffic collisions resulting in property damage up 21.4%
    • 499 traffic collisions -fail to remain up 23.2%
    • 347 counts of careless driving up 1.2%
    • 321 traffic collisions with personal injury up 7.7%
    • 250 counts of driving disqualified up 42.9%
    • 77 counts of dangerous driving up 79.1%; and

    Whereas, this data does not include the many drivers who do not get caught driving dangerously and who continue to break the law showing a complete disregard for the safety of others; and

    Whereas, the City of Richmond Hill Traffic Operations and Safety Study that is to provide a clear set of policies, procedures, and pre-approved “tools” on how the City can efficiently and effectively address traffic safety and was approved as part of the 2016 Capital Budget has yet to be finalized; and

    Whereas, many municipalities have prioritized and already instituted traffic calming measures including the City of Vaughan which undertook a Neighbourhood Area Traffic Calming Policy, Design and Speed Management Study in the Fall 2022 with pilot tests of five neighbourhoods that commenced Summer 2023.

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved:

    1. The Council directs appropriate city staff to prioritize a report back to Council by November 15, 2023, that identifies, with associated costs, quick build temporary traffic calming measures to be installed in six targeted neighbourhoods, one pilot in each ward, with installation commencing in the Spring of 2024; and

    2. That staff be directed to include in the report the following, but not limited to, quick build measures:

    1. boulevard streetscaping enhancements
    2. in-road flexible signs
    3. bollards
    4. new pavement markings in school zones and 40 kilometre per hour neighbourhoods
    5. temporary road narrowing with pavement markings
    6. raised crosswalks / Intersections
    7. temporary rubber speed cushions
    8. temporary curb extensions; and

    3. That staff be directed to report back to Council by March 2024 the selection criteria and recommendations for six pilot neighbourhoods including which appropriate traffic calming and speed management approaches to test for each pilot; and

    4. That staff work collaboratively with various city departments, Members of Council, external stakeholders, and partners to develop selection criteria and determine potential pilot sites; and

    5. That staff develop criteria to evaluate the pilot projects and report back to Council by November 2024 with a plan to expand the pilot traffic calming measures that proved effective; and

    6. That Council recommends that the 2024 Capital Budget include the costs associated with the implementation of the six traffic calming measures; and

    7. That staff be directed to finalize the Traffic Operations and Safety Study providing a clear set of policies, procedures, and “tools” on how the City can efficiently and effectively address traffic safety going forward.

Moved by: Councillor Thompson

  • Whereas currently Richmond Hill’s Sign By-law permits a maximum of one (1) Real Estate Open House Sign to be displayed per road frontage in connection with any one (1) Open House; and

    Whereas a number of Real Estate Agents have expressed a concern that Open House Signs are frequently used in the real estate industry to guide drivers and pedestrians to the address of the Open House event; and

    Whereas these signs are an important part of real estate marketing strategies; and

    Whereas the number of Open House signs permitted by neighbouring municipalities are generally more than one but no more than six; and

    Whereas a more wholesome By-law review is currently underway.

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved:

    That as an “interim” measure, until a more wholesome By-law review is complete, that By-law 52-09 be amended to:

    a) Provide permissions for up to an additional four (4) Open House Real Estate Signs to be installed under a set of restrictions, in addition to the maximum of one (1) Real Estate Open House Sign displayed on each street frontage of the property where the Open House is being held; and

    b) That the signs must clearly display the words “Open House”; the municipal address of the Open House; and the date and time of the Open House.