Council Meeting
Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario

Mayor David West



City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).


Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.


Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation. 


Public Forum: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on a matter not on the agenda must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Persons wanting to address Council during the Public Forum portion of the meeting must register by sending an email to [email protected] or by using the on-line form found on Public Forum participation can be in-person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. A maximum of five persons will be allowed to register for the Public Forum on a first come first serve basis.


We are gathering on lands that have been home to First Nations Peoples from time immemorial. We acknowledge that what we now call Richmond Hill is on the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations of the Williams Treaty. We also recognize that we are on part of the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and the Huron Wendat.

We would also like to acknowledge all First Nation, Inuit and Métis peoples from across North America, also known as Turtle Island, who now reside in the City of Richmond Hill. We are committed to rebuilding constructive and cooperative relationships.

  • a) That the minutes of Heritage Richmond Hill meeting HRH#04-23 held May 11, 2023, be adopted.

(A copy of Staff Report SRPI.23.061 is attached for Council's reference)

  • That Heritage Richmond Hill recommends to Council:

    a) That the Heritage Permit Application to allow alterations to the Part IV designated heritage property at 103 Richmond Street, as generally described in the plans and drawings prepared by The Gregory Design Group dated May 4, 2023, and the Conservation Brief prepared by Common Bond Collective dated May 17, 2023, be approved subject to the following conditions:

    (i) That the owner of 103 Richmond Street enter into a Heritage Conservation Agreement in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by The Gregory Design Group dated May 4, 2023, and the Conservation Brief prepared by Common Bond Collective dated May 17, 2023, containing provisions to ensure insurance coverage for protection of the heritage house during construction and restricting any site works until building permits have been issued;

    b) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Heritage Conservation Agreement with the owner of 103 Richmond Street, upon written recommendation of the Commissioner of Planning and Regulatory Services.

  • That the minutes of Audit Committee meeting A#01-23 held June 20, 2023, be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:

  • a) That the Report from Grant Thornton LLP, dated June 20, 2023, regarding the Communication of Audit Strategy and Results for the year ended December 31, 2022, be received.

  • a) That the 2022 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements, attached as Appendix 'A' to staff report SRCFS.23.036, be approved and published;

    b) That the Mayor and the Treasurer be authorized to sign the Financial Statements; 

    c) That the 2022 Audited Richmond Hill Public Library Board Financial Statements (to be approved by the Library Board in June 2023), attached as Appendix 'B' to staff report SRCFS.23.036, be received for information purposes.

  • a) That all capital projects listed in Appendix 'A' to staff report SRCFS.23.033:

    1. Be closed;
    2. Projects with a net surplus of $1.02 million be returned to sources as identified; and

    b) That Budget and Funding Adjustments in the amount of $2.53 million funded from sources as identified in Appendix 'B' to staff report SRCFS.23.033 be approved;

    c) That the Status of Capital Projects List in Appendix 'F' to staff report SRCFS.23.022 be received.

  • a) That staff report SRCM.23.09 regarding the Internal Audit of Fleet Services be received for information.

  • a) That By-Law 67-23, attached as Appendix 'A' to staff report SRCFS.23.031, be enacted in order to authorize and approve cheque signing, EFT payment, wire transfers, and general banking controls, and that By-law 65-15 be repealed.

  • That the minutes of Committee of the Whole meeting CW#07-23 held June 21, 2023, be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.12 regarding review of winter maintenance during the 2022 to 2023 winter season be received for information.

    b) That staff investigate the potential to provide the South Richvale Greenway, in whole or in part, with the same standard of maintenance provided for other city trails maintained through the winter months; and, that staff report back to Council their findings through the 2024 Operating Budget process.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.23.15 regarding amendment of the Administrative Penalty By-law be received;

    b) That By-law No. 70-23 (Attachment 3) be enacted to replace Schedule “B” of the Administrative Penalty By-law No. 69-16.

  • a) That staff report SRPI.23.058 regarding the Town Park Master Plan be received; and

    b) That Council approve the Town Park Master Plan (Appendix A). 

  • a) That Staff Report SRPI.23.070 with respect to the Site Plan application submitted by 2706379 Ontario Limited for lands known as Block 226, Plan 65M-3802 (Municipal Address: 12600 Bayview Avenue), City File D06-20041, be received for information purposes and that all comments be referred back to staff; and,

    b) That the authority to assign 54.15 persons equivalent of servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure subject to the criteria in the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and that the assigned servicing allocation be released in accordance with the provisions of By-law 109-11, as amended.

  • a) That Council endorse the City’s submission of applications to the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund administered by Infrastructure Canada for 2 eligible capital projects as described in SRCM.23.11; and

    b) That should the City’s Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund grants be successful, Council approve the City’s allocation of:

    i. Upper East Don River & Mill Pond Park Stormwater Management System   Revitalization Project - with the total current estimated value of the project at $12,743,000 and the grant being for up to 40% of the costs, that the City’s portion be funded from sources as determined by the Treasurer.

    ii. Humber Flats Flood Mitigation Project - with the total current estimated value of the project at $5,670,000 and the grant being for up to 40% of the costs, that the City’s portion be funded from sources as determined by the Treasurer.

  • a) That the correspondence from Henry Chui, President, MRVCBA, dated May 30, 2023, regarding a Request to Deem an Event Municipally Significant - Uptown Asian Festival, be received;

    b) That the Uptown Asian Festival, scheduled to be held on September 1-3, 2023 be deemed an event of Municipal Significance in order for the Uptown Asian Festival to obtain a Special Occasion Permit from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to be utilized at the Uptown Asian Festival.

  • That the following correspondence regarding the Member Motion submitted by Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola with respect to a Pilot Project to Allow Residents to Have Hens in Residential Zoned Areas, be received:

    1. Irmajean Bajnok, 25 Castleridge Drive, dated June 20, 2023;
    2. Kathleen Wong, 169 Parkston Court, dated June 20, 2023;
    3. Adriana Pisano Beaumont, 62 Wicker Drive, dated June 20, 2023;

    4. Elena Smith, 10 Cheval Court, dated June 20, 2023.
  • Moved by: Mayor West 

    Whereas the City owns significant parcels of land (the “Civic Centre Lands”) at the southwest corner of Yonge Street and Major Mackenzie Drive, which have  potential to be an important landmark and functional public space in the City centre.

    Whereas intermittently since the late 1970’s, the City has considered developing the Civic Centre Lands to include municipal offices, an urban square and a destination park. Most recently, in 2013 the City completed a comprehensive community engagement and corporate planning initiative under the name of the “Civic Precinct Project” and in 2016 Council approved a recommended “Civic Precinct Plan” (Appendix 1).

    Whereas in 2020 implementation of the Civic Precinct Plan was put on hold given the pandemic and its impact on the need for municipal office space, as well as the priorities of Council at the time.

    Whereas a destination park and public square at the Civic Centre Lands would help to revitalize the Village Core and provide a much needed central location for community gatherings and civic events.

    Whereas development of the Civic Centre Lands would be consistent with:

    1) Official Plan policies which recognize these lands as part of the Major Mackenzie BRT Station Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) and the Regional Mixed Use Corridor;

    2) The Investment Attraction Study (approved by Council June 2022) recommendation to explore public-private partnerships to use the Civic Centre Lands as “community-based office and culture industry-focused location;”

    3) The Parks Plan (approved by Council in June 2022) directs that “The City may convert the Mount Pleasant Community Park, including The Wave Pool lands (Lois Hancey Aquatic Centre) and the lands to the east of the Central Library lands into a Destination Park to establish a new civic gathering space now referred to as the “Richmond Hill Civic Centre Lands” at the southwest corner of Major Mackenzie Drive and Yonge Street”.

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That:

    a) Staff undertake a consultation process to confirm the design elements to be included in a passive park (i.e. a park with no permanent outdoor recreational facilities) on the portion of the Richmond Hill Civic Centre lands to the east of the Central Library to provide a central location for community gatherings and civic events in the short-term to be considered in the 2024 capital Budget discussion; and

    b) A report back to Council following the completion of the short-term passive park works on the recommended process to develop and undertake the longer-term vision for the Richmond Hill Civic Centre lands.

  • That the member motion submitted by Regional and Local Councillor DiPaola regarding a Pilot Project to Allow Residents to Have Hens in Residential Zoned Areas be referred to staff to report back when the Animal Keeping By-law review is brought forward to Council.      

  • That Council move into closed session:

    a) To consider matters related to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board in Ward 6, pursuant to Section 239(2)(c), Municipal Act 2001.