Committee of the Whole Meeting


Meeting #:CW#08-18
Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Committee Members Present:
  • Mayor Barrow
  • Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora
  • Regional and Local Councillor Hogg
  • Councillor Beros
  • Councillor Muench
  • Councillor Liu
  • Councillor West
  • Councillor Cilevitz
  • Councillor Chan


The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

Councillor Chan transferred the Chair to Regional and Local Councillor Hogg during consideration of Agenda Item 11.15.

There were no Council announcements.

There were no emergency/time sensitive matters raised by Members of Committee.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    That the agenda be adopted as distributed by the Clerk with the following additions:

    1. SRCS.18.13 – Mount Pleasant Park Tennis Court Resurfacing - Agenda Item 11.20
    2. Report from Nigel Bellchamber, Integrity Commissioner, Amberley Gavel Ltd., dated May 18, 2018, regarding recent complaints under the Town's Code of Conduct for Elected Officials - Agenda Item 11.21
    3. Correspondence regarding the Mount Pleasant Park Tennis Court Resurfacing - Agenda Item 11.22
    4. Correspondence from David Laliberte, 22 Naughton Drive, dated May 22, 2018, regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan - Agenda Item 11.23
    5. Correspondence from Michael Bowcott, Past President, Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Club, dated May 22, 2018, regarding the Report from Nigel Bellchamber, Integrity Commissioner - Agenda Item 11.24
    6. Correspondence from Doug Pape, dated May 21, 2018, regarding the Misty Moor Drive and Hunter's Point Drive Traffic Calming Review - Agenda Item 11.25
    7. Correspondence from Gary Chassie, 118 Wood Lane, dated May 22, 2018, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application submitted by Bryan Jackie Thai, Maggie Jade Lu and James Wong - 100 Mill Street - Agenda Item 11.26
    Carried Unanimously

Councillor Muench declared a pecuniary interest on Agenda Item 11.21, regarding the Report from Nigel Bellchamber, Integrity Commissioner, Amberley Gavel Ltd., dated May 18, 2018, regarding recent complaints under the Town's Code of Conduct for Elected Officials as he was named in the Report.

Committee consented to separate Agenda Items 8.1, 11.7, 11.10, 11.12, 11.15, 11.17, 11.18, 11.20 and 11.21 for discussion.

On a motion of Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora, Committee adopted those Agenda Items not identified for separate discussion.

There were no members of the public who responded to the Chair’s invitation to address Committee on this matter.

  • Moved by:Mayor Barrow

    a) That a meeting in accordance with Section 357, and 358, of the Municipal Act, 2001 be held in respect of the application made by the Treasurer and the owners listed in this report at which the applicants may make representations to Committee of the Whole;

    b) That taxes amounting to $89,648.13 be written off pursuant to the provisions of Section 357 of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    c) That taxes amounting to $11,639.48 be written off pursuant to the provisions of Section 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    d) That applicable penalty and interest be adjusted accordingly;

    e) That the Treasurer be directed to adjust the accounts receivable accordingly.

    Carried Unanimously

Jennifer Stephens, Manager, Sourcewater Protection/Watershed Strategies Division, Toronto Region Conservation Authority, made a presentation to Committee to provide an update on the Credit Valley- Toronto and Region - Central Lake Ontario (CTC) Source Protection Plan. She advised that after the tragic events that occurred in 2000 in Walkerton, the Province had taken strong actions to ensuring Ontario’s drinking water was among the best protected in the world. She reviewed the steps involved for protecting municipal drinking water, CTC Source Protection Region, Drinking Water Source Protection Process, York Region Recharge Management Area, where the recharge would require to be maintained and the significant groundwater recharge areas. Ms. Stephens concluded her presentation by reviewing policy and technical amendments for the Plan.

  • Moved by:Councillor Beros

    That the presentation by Jennifer Stephens, Manager, Watersource, Protection/Watershed Strategies Division, Toronto Region Conservation Authority, regarding the Credit Valley- Toronto and Region - Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan be received with thanks.

    Carried Unanimously

Brian DeFreitas, Senior Planner, Policy, made a presentation to Committee regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan.  He reviewed the study area, location, context, project process and highlighted what a Tertiary Plan was.  He reviewed the 4 key principles and vision statement, and outlined the plan elements for the Tertiary Plan schedule, street connections, recommendation for Leyburn Avenue connection, parks and natural heritage, built form and design guidelines for the area.  B. DeFreitas advised that staff’s recommendation was that the staff report be received and that the South Brookside Tertiary Plan attached as Appendix "A" to staff report SRPRS.18.111 be approved.

John Alati, Davies Howe LLP, representing Yonge MCD Developments Inc., owners of 59 Brookside Road addressed Committee regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan. He reviewed the location and scope of his client’s lands, noting that his client was in general support of having the Tertiary Plan approved. Mr. Alati reviewed his clients appeals that were currently before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, and provided comments related to the road network, noting his clients support for the north-south road connection from Brookside Road to Naughton Drive. He advised that his clients were opposed to the location of the park and linear park, and reviewed his client’s development intensions for the lands.

Ray Floyd, 9 Woodview Drive, Collingwood, representing Mr. and Mrs. Loretto Conte, owners of 20 Naughton Drive, addressed Committee regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan.  He advised that his clients were out of town during the public open house held in March, and expressed their desire to develop the lands at the rear of their property.  Mr. Floyd advised that his clients were in support of Scenario 1 to the Survey, to reroute the street connection of Naughton Drive, as it would provide for continuous vehicle movement to Yonge Street and Naughton Drive and additionally the owners would not have to surrender the entire parcel to facilitate the north-south road from Brookside Road to Naughton Drive.

Saad Askandar, 71 Yorkland Street, addressed Committee regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan.  He presented a schematic design from the Secondary Plan and requested clarification whether the boulevard would be removed on Yorkland Street.  He advised of his attendance at the public open house held in March and requested clarification to the number of residential units planned for the area and indicated that the Yorkland residents had concerns with the traffic and the traffic study, as further detailed in his written correspondence submitted at the meeting.

  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the minutes of the Heritage Richmond Hill Committee meeting held April 10, 2018 be adopted as circulated.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the 2018 outdoor special occasion permit request for the Richmond Hill Food Truck Festival, as outlined in staff report SRCS.18.14, be approved.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the “Summary Report” of Richmond Hill’s drinking water system, as set out in staff report SRCS.18.06 and as required under Schedule 22 of O. Reg. 170/03 be received;

    b) That the “Town of Richmond Hill 2017 Annual Report” regulatory reporting for municipal drinking water systems as contained in Appendix #1 to staff report SRCS.18.06 and as required under Section 11 of O. Reg. 170/03 be received; 

    c) That the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change 2017 Inspection Report for Richmond Hill’s drinking water system, as contained in Appendix #2 to staff report SRCS.18.06 be received;

    d) That updates and information regarding the Quality Management System 2017 Annual Report, as contained in Appendix #3 to staff report SRCS.18.06, be received; 

    e) That Richmond Hill’s Quality Management System “Operational Plan”, version 4.3, as contained in Appendix #4 to staff report SRCS.18.06 be endorsed.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Bryan Jackie Thai, Maggie Jade Lu and James Wong for lands known as Lot 170, Registrar’s Compiled Plan 12003 (Municipal Address: 100 Mill Street), File Number D02-16017, as outlined in staff report SRPRS.18.102 be approved;

    b) That the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Robert William Rennette and Gracia-Lina May Yoong for lands known as Lots 502, 503, 504 and 505, Plan 133 (Municipal Addresses: 15 and 23 Laurier Avenue), File Number D02-16044, be approved, subject to the following:

    1. That the subject lands be rezoned from the provisions of Zoning By-law 986 to Semi-Detached One (RD1) Zone under Zoning By-law 313-96, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in staff report SRPRS.18.105;
    2. That the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment.
    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That staff report SRPRS.18.116 regarding a Private Street Naming Application submitted by Elm Carrville (2016) Inc. for the lands known as Part of Lots 109, 110, and 111, Plan 1960 (Municipal Addresses: 329 and 343 Carrville Road) be approved subject to the following:

    1. That the proposed private street name Howick Lane (P) be approved in accordance with staff report SRPRS.18.116;
    2. That staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to a regularly scheduled Council meeting to implement the approval of the proposed private street.
    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    a) That staff be authorized to implement the pavement marking, signage, and crossing improvements recommended in staff report SRPRS.18.015 for the intersections of Hunter’s Point Drive at Old Surrey Lane and Hunter’s Point Drive at Tiffany Gate;

    b) That the amount of $25,000 be approved to implement the works identified in Recommendation a) to staff report SRPRS.18.015;

    c) That a project be established for the Hunter’s Point Drive enhancements with the $25,000 funded from the Cash to Capital Reserve Fund;

    d) That York Regional Police be notified of the improvements on Hunter’s Point Drive and be requested to provide the necessary enforcement.

    In favour: (9)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora , Regional and Local Councillor Hogg, Councillor Beros, Councillor Muench, Councillor Liu, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Carried (9 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    e) That the Municipal Code be amended to reduce the maximum posted speed limit on Misty Moor Drive from 50 km/h to 40 km/h.


    In favour: (8)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora , Regional and Local Councillor Hogg, Councillor Muench, Councillor Liu, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Opposed: (1)Councillor Beros
    Carried (8 to 1)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the lands registered as Instrument No. YR2704280, more specifically described as Parts 1 to 3 on Plan 65R-35903, be established as public highway to form part of East Beaver Creek Road.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the assumption of the aboveground and belowground municipal services within Plan 65M-3512 including the storm drainage works within Block 23, Subdivision File 19T-94049, be approved;

    b) That the assumption of the external above and belowground municipal services within the Douglas Road road allowance associated with Subdivision File 19T-94049, be approved;

    c) That Headwater Crescent within the limits of Plan 65M-3512, Subdivision File 19T-94049, be assumed as public highway.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor West

    a) That staff report SRPRS.18.111 regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan be received;

    b) That the South Brookside Tertiary Plan attached as Appendix A to staff report SRPRS.18.111 be approved.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That Chapter 1116, Schedule ‘A’ (Parking Prohibited-Signs-Displayed) of the Municipal Code is amended by removing the following:

    Highway:  Rockwell Road

    Side: Both

    From and To: Valleymede Drive to 335 m south of Valleymede Drive

    Prohibited Time of Day:  7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Beros

    a) That staff report SRPRS.18.119 regarding the proposed Policy Amendments to the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan be received;

    b) That Council endorse the proposed amendments to the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region,  Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan, (CTC SPP) provided in Appendix 1 and the proposed revisions to the Toronto and Region Assessment Report, specifically the addition of revised mapping provided in Appendix 2 to staff report SRPRS.18.119;

    c) That staff report SRPRS.18.119 be circulated to the Toronto and Region Source Protection Authority, Region of York, and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change;

    d) That staff be directed to continue to work with the Toronto and Region Source Protection Authority, CTC Source Protection Committee, Region of York, and stakeholders as required to help facilitate the proposed amendments to the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the proposed renaming of North Shore Parkette to “Syl Cachia Parkette” be advertised in The Liberal newspaper and on the Town’s website with a request for public comments in accordance with the Town’s Policy for Naming and Renaming Town Parks, Open Space and Recreation Facilities;

    b) That staff report back regarding public comments on the proposed name and with final recommendations for renaming the site.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the correspondence from Daniel Lavigne, 5 Lakeside Crescent, dated May 8, 2018, regarding the park renaming request for North Shore Parkette be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Chan

    a) That staff report SRCAO.18.08 regarding the lease extension for the Richmond Hill Center for Hi-Tech Business Development be received;

    b) That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to make arrangements with The Richmond Hill Center for Hi-Tech Business Development to extend their lease of the premises located at 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Suites 288A and 288B, for nominal consideration or below fair market value and to enter into and execute any necessary agreement or other document relating to such arrangement as set out in staff report SRCAO.18.08.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That By-law 51-18 be enacted in the form of the draft By-law attached to staff report SRCFS.18.018 to establish and adopt tax rates for 2018 on the assessment in each property class;

    b) That the billing and collection of taxes, special assessments and fees including the tax installment due dates for residential and non-residential properties be authorized.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Muench

    a) That the special charges allocated to each lot as set out and certified in Schedule “A” Local Improvement Roll, to draft By-law 49-18, attached as Appendix ‘A’ to staff report SRCFS.18.019 for the reconstruction of Anzac Road from Axminster Drive to Taylor Mills Drive South be authorized;

    b) That properties exempt from property taxation continue to be liable for special charges relating to Local Improvement Projects;

    c) That the Local Improvement rate be set at $152.67 per meter frontage for lump sum payments or an annual payment of $17.33 per meter frontage per year paid over ten (10) years;

    d) That draft By-law 49-18 be enacted.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Muench

    a) That the special charges allocated to each lot as set out and certified in Schedule “A” Local Improvement Roll, to draft By-law 50-18, attached as Appendix ‘A’ to staff report SRCFS.18.020 for the reconstruction of Demaine Crescent, Alsace Road and Ashlar Road be authorized;

    b) That properties exempt from property taxation continue to be liable for special charges relating to Local Improvement Projects;

    c) That the Local Improvement rate be set at $152.67 per meter frontage for lump sum payments or an annual payment of $17.33 per meter frontage per year paid over ten (10) years;

    d) That draft By-law 50-18 be enacted.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That taxes amounting to $8,288.45 be written off pursuant to the provisions of Section 354 of the Municipal Act, 2001;

    b) That applicable penalty and interest be adjusted accordingly;

    c) That the Treasurer be directed to adjust the applicable property tall roll accordingly.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    a) That Barber Sports Surfaces Limited be awarded a non-competitive acquisition to address a public safety concern where the services cannot be obtained in time for the facility to be available for use in the 2018 season by means of a competitive procurement process pursuant to the Procurement By-Law 113-16 at an estimated cost of $225,000.00 (exclusive of taxes) from the Infrastructure Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund;

    b) That the Commissioner of Community Services be authorized to execute any necessary documentation to affect the contract.

    Carried Unanimously

Having previously declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Agenda Item 11.21, Councillor Muench left his seat and did not participate in the discussion or voting on this item.

  • Moved by:Mayor Barrow

    Whereas, in a report dated May 18, 2018, the Integrity Commissioner has found that Councillor Tom Muench breached the Council Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct) by not treating a Council colleague in a respectful manner (“Complaint 2”).

    Whereas, in a report dated May 18, 2018, the Integrity Commissioner has found that Councillor Muench breached the Code of Conduct by misrepresenting, in a newsletter, the action taken by four named Council colleagues (“Complaint 3”).

    Whereas, in a report dated May 18, 2018, the Integrity Commissioner has found that Councillor Muench breached the Code of Conduct in his treatment of a Town employee (“Complaint 4”).

    Whereas the Municipal Act permits Council, following a finding that a Member of Council has breached the Code of Conduct, to impose one of either a reprimand, or the suspension of a Member of Council’s remuneration of up to 90 days.

    Whereas, the Integrity Commissioner has recommended that Council publicly reprimand Councillor Muench in respect to the breach of the Code of Conduct in each of the Complaints 2 and 3.

    Whereas, the Integrity Commissioner has recommended that Council suspend Councillor Muench’s remuneration for 30 days in respect to the breach of the Code of Conduct in Complaint 4

    Therefore be it resolved that Council adopts the following recommendations in the Integrity Commissioner’s report dated May 18, 2018:

    1. That Councillor Muench be and is hereby reprimanded for breaching the Code of Conduct in respect to Complaint 2;
    2. That Councillor Muench be and is hereby reprimanded for breaching the Code of Conduct in respect to Complaint 3;
    3. That the Town requests a refund from the supplier or a credit toward future purchases by the corporation rather than by Councillor Muench;
    4. That Councillor Muench’s remuneration be suspended for 30 days for breaching the Code of Conduct in respect to Complaint 4;
    5. That Council direct staff to review the elected official newsletter policy and the elected official expense policy as per the recommendation in the Integrity Commissioner’s report to Council;
    6. That in keeping with the Code of Conduct and Respect in the Workplace policies, Councillor Muench be requested to issue an public apology to those individuals that are directly impacted by complaints 2, 3 and 4 at the Council Meeting on May 28, 2018.
    In favour: (8)Mayor Barrow, Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora , Regional and Local Councillor Hogg, Councillor Beros, Councillor Liu, Councillor West, Councillor Cilevitz, and Councillor Chan
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    That the following correspondence regarding the Mount Pleasant Park Tennis Court Resurfacing be received:

    a) Rob Spence, 67 Lund Street, dated May 21, 2018;

    b) Gaye Spence, 67 Lund Street, dated May 21, 2018;

    c) Kathleen Crosbie and Brian Spettigue, 4 Drumern Crescent, dated May 22, 2018.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the correspondence from David Laliberte, 22 Naughton Drive, dated May 22, 2018, regarding the recommended South Brookside Tertiary Plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Moved by:Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora

    a) That the correspondence from Michael Bowcott, Past President, Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Club, dated May 22, 2018, regarding the Report from Nigel Bellchamber, Integrity Commissioner, dated May 18, 2018 be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • That the correspondence from Doug Pape, dated May 21, 2018, regarding the Misty Moor Drive and Hunter's Point Drive Traffic Calming Review be received.

  • That the correspondence from Gary Chassie, 118 Wood Lane, dated May 22, 2018, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application submitted by Bryan Jackie Thai, Maggie Jade Lu and James Wong for 100 Mill Street be received.

There were no other business items.

There were no emergency/time sensitive matters.

There were no closed session items.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cilevitz

    That the meeting be adjourned.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m.

    Carried Unanimously
No Item Selected