Committee of the Whole Meeting
Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Chair, Godwin Chan, Regional and Local Councillor
City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).

Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.

Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.

  • a) That the following 18 locations be approved for the installation of pole-mounted speed radar board signs as part of the Radar Message Board program for 2023/2024:

    1. Worthington Avenue, from Bloomington Road to Pagean Drive
    2. Red Cardinal Trail, from Bloomington Road to Jocada Court
    3. Milos Road from Amaranth Court to Phillips View Crescent [S]
    4. Oldhill Street from Mandel Crescent [N] to Forestside Court
    5. Newkirk Road from Centre Street East to Major Mackenzie Drive East
    6. Yorkland Street from Bernard Avenue to Justus Drive
    7. Boake Trail from Delevan Court to Frank Court
    8. Redstone Road from Frank Endean Road to Jaguar Gate
    9. Toporowski Avenue from Leslie Street to Maraca Drive
    10. Brookside Road from Cedar Springs Drive to Chantilly Crescent
    11. Mill Street from Ellery Drive/Neighbourly Lane to Pine Trees Court
    12. Tower Hill Road from Brass Drive to Edelweiss Avenue
    13. Springhead Gardens from Denava Gate to Lillooet Crescent [W]
    14. Garden Avenue from Cambridge Crescent to Hunters Point Drive
    15. Stockdale Crescent from Bathurst Street to Georgian Bay Street/Hart Street
    16. Bantry Avenue from Red Maple Road to Yonge Street
    17. High Tech Road from Red Maple Road to Yonge Street
    18. Valleymede Drive from Briggs Avenue to Strathearn Avenue
  • a) That staff report SRPI.23.059 regarding Request for Approval - Implementation of Bill 109, Bill 23 and Bill 97 - Revised Development Application Review and Approval Process, be received;

    b) That the City’s revised development application review process - Collaborative Application Process (CAP) in response to the changes imposed through the Province’s approval of Bills 109, 23 and 97 be endorsed;

    c) That the funding and staff resource request to be drawn from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve, as outlined in staff report SRPI.23.059, be approved;

    d) That the Amendment to the Tariff of Fees By-law, attached as Appendix 'H' to staff report SRPI.23.059, be approved;

    e) That Site Plan Control By-law 76-23, attached  as Appendix 'I' to staff report SRPI.23.059, be approved;

    f) That staff be directed to bring forward an amended Delegation By-law, delegating approval authority of municipal servicing allocation, Site Plan review for proposals on Regional roads, Municipal Street Naming, Removal of Holding (‘H’) symbols and Minor Heritage Alterations to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure as outlined in staff report SRPI.23.059;

    g) That staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.

  • a) That staff report SRPI.23.063 regarding Community Pickleball Hub Planning be received;

    b) That staff be directed to prepare a 2025 Capital Budget request to initiate the Tennis and Pickleball Strategy;

    c) That $280,200 from the Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund be allocated to a capital account to facilitate seasonal operation of the ten (10) pickleball courts at Richmond Green and pickleball planning to 2026;

    d) That the Richmond Hill David Dunlap Observatory Park community pickleball hub be paused to allow time to monitor the impact of the outdoor pickleball facility improvements being made between 2022 and 2024, and to facilitate further detailed analysis of the City’s combined tennis and pickleball needs through the preparation of the Tennis and Pickleball Strategy directed by the 2022 Parks Plan.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by King South-East Developments 295 Inc. for the lands known as Lot 3, Plan M-38 (municipal address: 295 King Road), City File D02-21013, be approved, subject to the following:

    1. That the subject lands be rezoned from Residential Urban (RU) Zone under By-law 1275, as amended, to Multiple Residential One (RM1) Zone under By-law 313-96, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as set out in Appendix 'B' to staff report SRPI.23.071; and,
    2. That the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to the July 12, 2023 Council Meeting for enactment.
  • a) That staff report SRPI.23.072 be received and that the request made by 2493862 Ontario Inc. to deregister the Site Plan Agreement made between The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill and 2493862 Ontario Inc. for lands known as Part of Lot 16, Plan 288 (municipal address: 141 Wildwood Avenue), City File SP-23-0012, be approved;

    b) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Termination Agreement with 2493862 Ontario Inc. upon written recommendation of the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure.

  • a) That the revised Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Sabella Ridge Estates Inc. for lands known as Part of Lots 53 and 54, Registered Plan 1931 (municipal addresses: 10684 and 10692 Yonge Street), City Files D01-20004 and D02-20010, be approved, subject to the following:

    1. That the City’s Official Plan be amended to include site specific policies as outlined in staff report SRPI.23.073;
    2. That the draft Official Plan Amendment, attached as Appendix 'B' to staff report SRPI.23.073, be finalized and brought to the July 12, 2023 Council meeting for consideration and adoption;
    3. That the subject lands be rezoned from General Commercial One (GC1) Zone and Third Density Residential (R3) Zone to Multiple Residential Six Density (RM6) Zone under By-law 2523, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in staff report SRPI.23.073;
    4. That prior to the amending Zoning By-law being finalized and brought forward to a Council meeting for consideration and enactment, the applicant submit and receive approval of a Site Plan application to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure;
    5. That pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft amending Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands; and
    6. That the authority to assign municipal servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure subject to the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and that the assigned municipal servicing allocation be released in accordance with the provisions of By-law 109-11.
  • a) That staff report SRCFS.23.025 regarding the Collection of Water Arrears from Multi-residential Bulk Accounts be received;

    b) That By-law 94-11 Section 29 (5) be repealed and amended to:

    1. If water is supplied to more than one party through a single Meter, the account for the water and wastewater supply shall be paid by the Owner(s) of the property. In the case of non-payment, the water charges may be transferred to the individual property tax roll, based on a pro-rata share for each unit that reflects the unit owner’s share of the common elements and expenses, as set out in the condominium declaration. The City Treasurer or designate may exempt units, in whole or in part, from their proportionate share of Water arrears where such units are directly supplied with metered Water.
    2. Prior to transferring, a past due notice at least fourteen (14) days following the due date be issued to property management, condo board, or condo management representatives;
    3. If the charges remain unpaid after thirty-five (35) days subsequent to the due date, the City shall provide a notice to all individual property owners prior to the transfer;
    4. If the charges remain unpaid after fifty-six (56) days subsequent to the due date, the City may transfer the arrears to individual property owners and charge an administration fee on the bulk account as specified in the Tariff of Fees By-Law;

    c) That draft By-law 56-23, attached as Appendix 'A' to staff report SRCFS.23.025, be enacted to amend By-Law 94-11 Section 29 (5), Appendix B, to adopt the Collection of Water Arrears from Multi-residential accounts.

  • a) That the correspondence from Babak Reihanypour, Shier Media, dated June 18, 2023, regarding a Request to Deem an Event Municipally Significant - Persian Food Festival, be received;

    b) That the Persian Food Festival, scheduled to be held on August 5-7, 2023, be deemed an event of Municipal Significance in order for the Persian Food Festival to obtain a Special Occasion Permit from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to be utilized at the Persian Food Festival.

  • That the following correspondence regarding the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications submitted by Sabella Ridge Estates Inc. for 10684 and 10692 Yonge Street be received:

    1. Dan Pollak and Alina Blufshtein, 115 Arten Avenue, dated June 28, 2023.
    2. Max Haroon, Coordinator, Arten and Creekview Neighbourhood, dated June 30, 2023.
    3. Huiju Gao (Lucy), 49 Arten Avenue, dated July 1, 2023.
    4. Betty and Richard Sarantopoulos, 8 Creekview Avenue, dated July 2, 2023.
    5. Hai Xiang Wang and Min Sun, 16 Creekview Avenue, dated July 2, 2023.
    6. XiuQin Xue, 80 Arten Avenue, dated July 3, 2023.
    7. Christina Tao, 47 Arten Avenue, dated July 3, 2023.
    8. Robert Livingstone, 98 Arten Avenue, dated July 4, 2023.
    9. Bruno Colozza, 101 Arten Avenue, dated July 4, 2023.
  • That the following correspondence regarding the Implementation of Bills 109, 23 and 97, Revised Development Application Review and Approval Process, be received:

    1. Victoria Mortelliti, BILD, dated July 4, 2023.
  • That the following correspondence regarding the Request for Direction: Community Pickleball Hub Planning, be received:

    1. Gloria Boxen, Richmond Hill resident, dated July 4, 2023.
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