Whereas Fire Services is an essential service for the protection of people and property in Richmond Hill; and
Whereas Fire Services are provided by all municipalities; and
Whereas fire suppression should be planned without regard for municipal boundaries to determine the optimal location of stations for public safety; and
Whereas fire suppression is currently planned based on municipal boundaries; and
Whereas the majority of response calls made by Fire Services are medical-based calls; and
Whereas Police and Emergency Medical Services are already consolidated and delivered by York Region; and
Whereas effective and efficient service may be better planned and delivered by consolidating Fire Services at the Regional level together with other first response services; and
Whereas administrative efficiencies may be gained on non-suppression fire activities such as training, education, dispatch, vehicle maintenance and inspections; and
Whereas York Regional Chair Wayne Emmerson supports Regional consolidation of Fire Services;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
i) That York Region be requested to upload fire services for the purpose of consolidating Fire Services at the regional level;
ii) That said action involve all York Region municipalities; and
iii) That this resolution be forwarded to York Region and the other York Region local municipalities for support.