Whereas car shelters are “accessory structures” under City Zoning By-laws and are not permitted in front yards. They are permitted in side and rear yards to a limited extent provided certain conditions are met;
Whereas the City is working towards the development of a Comprehensive Zoning By-law;
Whereas the potential to allow these car shelters in front yards will be reviewed as part of that process; however, the process is expected to take 3 to 5 years;
Whereas in light of Covid-19, many residents are working remotely which means their vehicles are always parked in their driveways;
Whereas residents living on Delphinium Avenue have completed a petition to approve the use of a temporary car shelter for the upcoming winter months;
Whereas 87.5% of residents on Delphinium Ave have signed the petition and are in favour of temporary car shelters;
Whereas permitting residents the ability to erect a temporary car shelter for the winter months will not have any impact on any other programs or neighboring streets;
Whereas Council approved and directed staff to enact a pilot project on Delphinium Avenue from December 9th, 2020 to March 31st, 2020 inclusive to permit the use of temporary car shelters on front driveways;
Whereas last year’s Winter Car Shelter Pilot project was a great success;
Now Therefore Be it Resolved:
That City staff send last year’s pilot project results to the comprehensive zoning bylaw for inclusion to the process.