Whereas, the condominium corporation at 255 Shaftsbury Avenue consists of 67 units with a single car garage and single car driveway, located across from Elgin West Community Centre; and
Whereas, given the maturing of the complex, and aging of its residents, a number of owners have seen their children grow and these children, while residing at home, now also have vehicles; and
Whereas, Percel Inc., the property management company for the condominium corporation, is requesting assistance while they are looking into adding additional rentable parking; and
Whereas, Percel Inc. anticipates there will only be 10-12 cars at any time;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
That the City allow residents of 255 Shaftsbury Avenue to temporary park their additional vehicles in the Elgin West Community Centre parking lot until January 2, 2021 or when the community centre reopens; and
That residents understand a monthly permit fee be charged and permits will need to be displayed at all times.