Council Meeting
Revised Agenda

Council Chambers
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario

Mayor David West



City facilities are open to the public to attend Council and Committee meetings beginning on March 22, 2022. The public can observe meetings of Council and Committees by attending in-person or by viewing the livestream of the open session part of these meetings which can be accessed on the City’s website ( or on the City’s YouTube page (linked from the City’s homepage).


Public Comments: The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda items by email to [email protected]. Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, are considered as public information and will be included on the public agenda posted to the City’s website.


Delegations: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on agenda items must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Applications to appear as a delegation can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by using the on-line application form found on Delegations can be in person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation. 


Public Forum: Any person who wishes to speak to Council on a matter not on the agenda must pre-register with the Office of the Clerk by 12 p.m. (noon) one business day before the meeting. Persons wanting to address Council during the Public Forum portion of the meeting must register by sending an email to [email protected] or by using the on-line form found on Public Forum participation can be in-person, or electronically by video conference or telephone. A maximum of five persons will be allowed to register for the Public Forum on a first come first serve basis.

  • That the minutes of Council Public Meeting C#26-22 held on June 15, 2022 be adopted.

  • That the minutes of Council Meeting C#27-22 held June 22, 2022 be adopted.

  • That the minutes of Special Council Meeting C#28-22 held June 27, 2022 be adopted.

  • The following individuals have registered as a delegation to address Council regarding Item 13.13:

    1. Michael Bowcott, on behalf of Richmond Hill Pickleball Club/Network;
    2. Brian Rim, 30 Benjamin Hood Crescent;
    3. Teresa Miotto, 20 Hillholm Boulevard.

- (refer to Item 13.9)

  • The following individuals have registered as a delegation to address Council regarding Item 13.9:

    1. Michael Goldberg, Goldberg Group, on behalf of First Baymac Developments Limited and Canadian Property Holdings (Ontario) Inc.;
    2. Michelle Kuang, 47 Queensway Drive;
    3. Nancy Bai, 158 Peninsula Crescent;
    4. Janet Deng, 35 Clarendon Drive;
    5. Sharon Wang, 22 Vesta Drive;
    6. Leanna Ouyang, 158 Peninsula Crescent.
  • The following individuals have registered as a delegation to address Council regarding Item 13.20:

    1. Stephen Thiele, Gardiner Roberts LLP;
    2. Brian Chapnik, on behalf of A Better Richmond Hill.
  • The following individuals have registered as a delegation to address Council regarding Item 13.10:

    a) Cindy Liang, 25 Lawrence Avenue, Toronto;

    b) Emmy Yin, 27 Gardiner Crescent;

    c) Adam Layton, Evans Planning, on behalf of the owner.

  • That the minutes of the Audit Committee AC#01-22 held June 21, 2022 be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:

  • a) That the Report from Grant Thornton LLP, dated June 21, 2022, regarding the Communication of Audit Strategy and Results for the year ended December 31, 2021, be received.

  • a) That the 2021 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements included in Appendix “A” to staff report SRFS.22.021, be approved and published;

    b) That the Mayor and the Treasurer be authorized to sign the Financial Statements; and

    c) That the 2021 Audited Richmond Hill Public Library Board Financial Statements (to be approved by the Library Board in June 2022) included in Appendix “B” to staff report SRCFS.22.021, be received for information purposes. 

  • That the minutes of the Budget Committee of the Whole meeting BCW#01-22 held June 28, 2022 be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:

  • a) That the 2021 Operating Results overview be received for information purposes;

    b) That the 2021 Operating Budget carryforward items of $340,200 listed in Appendix “B” be approved and carried over to the 2022 Operating Budget;

    c) That the 2021 Operating Fund Covid-related deficit of $2,773,900 be fully funded from Safe Restart Agreement monies; and

    d) That the surplus allocation detailed in Appendix “C” be approved:

    • 2021 Operating Fund Surplus of $2,806,700 be transferred to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve
    • 2021 Water & Wastewater Related Surplus of $3,405,500 be transferred to the Water Rate Stabilization Reserve ($1,702,800) and the Water Quality Protection Reserve Fund ($1,702,700)
    • 2021 Stormwater Related Surplus of $131,200 be transferred to the Water Quality Protection Reserve Fund
  • a) That staff report SRCFS.22.014 regarding 2021 Investment Portfolio Results be received for information purposes.

  • a) That Council receive staff report SRCFS.22.022 for information purposes; and

    b) That the 2021 Development Charges, Cash in Lieu of Parkland and Section 37 Community Benefits Reserve Funds Statement be made available to the public on the City of Richmond Hill website as outlined in the report.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.22.015 regarding 2021 Reserve and Reserve Fund Status be received for information purposes.

  • a) That staff report SRCFS.22.012 regarding 2022 Operating Forecast be received for information purposes.

  • a) That report SRCFS.22.017 be received;

    b) That staff present a 2023 Draft Capital Budget & Forecast that:

    i. Continues to manage the City’s capital program reflective of corporate priorities;

    ii. Maximizes all funding from external sources, development charges and reserve funding;

    iii. Incorporates Capital Sustainability Committee Outcomes;

    iv. Continues to leverage the Enterprise Asset Management / Asset Management Plan to help inform the prioritization of core asset investment needs; and

    v. Incorporates fiscal responsibility in addressing the City’s Infrastructure funding gap.

    c) That staff present a 2023 Draft Operating Budget that:

    i. Supports Council priorities; and

    ii. The operating budget considerations outlined in report SRCFS.22.017 be used as a guideline in the development of the 2023 Operating Budget.

    d) That staff present a 2023 Draft Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Budget that reflects the wholesale rate increase from Region of York and reflects approved factors from the Water/Wastewater Financial Plan as well as the Stormwater Financial Plan and Rate Update; and

    e) That staff be directed to proceed with the 2023 Budget process in accordance with the timetable outlined in Appendix “A” and guidelines described in SRCFS.22.017.

  • a) That Staff Report SRCS.22.14 regarding monitoring of the pay parking system at Lake Wilcox Park be received.

  • a) That the amended fees for Recreation & Culture Services Schedule C Section B Outdoor Parks and Sports Fields and for Community Standards Division Schedule E set out in draft By-law 98-22 (Appendix “B”) be adopted.

    b) That the proposed fees set out in draft By-law 83-22 (Appendix “F”) be adopted.

    c) That the proposed fees be subject to an additional convenience fee in line with charges incurred, for online payments where applicable.

  • a) That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Tijiang Gao and Bijin Gao for the lands known as Part of Lot 7, Plan 3659 (Municipal Address: 73 Westwood Lane), City File D02-21019, be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that current zoning of the subject lands, being First Density Residential “S” (R1(S)) Zone under By-law 2523, as amended, be further amended to implement the site specific exceptions as outlined in Staff Report SRPI.22.070; and,

    (ii) that the amending Zoning By-law be brought forward to the July 6, 2022 Council Meeting for consideration and enactment.

  • a) That the proposed draft Plan of Subdivision application submitted by 1000162801 Ontario Corp. for lands known as Lots 63, 66 and 67 and Part of Lots 1, 62, 64 and 65, Plan 136 (Municipal Addresses: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 Bostwick Crescent and 2, 6 and 8 Bond Crescent), City File D03-14017 be draft approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that the Plan of Subdivision as depicted on Map 5 to Staff Report SRPI.22.082 be draft approved subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix C; and,

    (ii) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fees in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law 68-21, as amended.

  • a) That the request by 2702485 Ontario Inc. for 76.32 persons equivalent of servicing allocation (22 semi-detached and 2 single detached dwelling units) for the lands known as Part of Lot 47, Concession 1, E.Y.S. (Municipal Address: 178 Centre Street East), City File D06-21042, be approved; 

    b) That the assigned servicing allocation be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure in accordance with By-law 109-11, as amended; and,

    c) That the subject lands be classified as a Class 4 Area as defined by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks in its “Environmental Noise Guideline – Stationary and Transportation Sources – Approval and Planning (NPC-300)” to address Stationary Noise.

  • a) That Council receive staff report SRPI.22.068 regarding Greening the Hill Environment Strategy Update for information. 

    b) That Council approve the final Environment Strategy Update attached to staff report SRPI.22.068.

- City Files D02-14036 and D03-14015 - Related Files D05-20005 and D06-20026

  • a) That the revised Zoning By-law Amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by Country Wide Homes (Jefferson) Inc. for lands known as Lots 58 and 59, and Part of Lot 57, Plan 1916 (Municipal Addresses: 48 and 60 Beech Avenue and 363 Jefferson Sideroad), City Files D02-14036 and D03-14015, be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that the subject lands be rezoned from Urban (UR) Zone under By-law 128-04, as amended, to Multiple Residential One (RM1) Zone and  Environmental Protection Area One (EPA1) Zone under By-law 235-97, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in Staff Report SRPI.22.079;

    (ii) that prior to forwarding the amending Zoning By-law to Council for consideration and enactment, the following take place:

    (a) that the draft Zoning By-law attached as Appendix “B” be finalized and updated to address the comments in Staff Report SRPI.22.079 to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure, including appropriate formatting and development standards;

    (b) that the applicant’s Site Plan application (City File D06-20026) be substantially completed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure;

    (c) that confirmation be received that the applicant has registered restrictions over the subject lands under Section 118 of the Land Titles Act; 

    (d) that the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the City’s Tariff and Fees By-law 68-21;

    (iii) that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands;

    (iv) that the Plan of Subdivision as depicted on Map 8 to Staff Report SRPI.22.079 be draft approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix “C” to this report; 

    (v) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law 68- 21;

    b) That the authority to assign servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure subject to the criteria in the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and that the assigned servicing allocation be released in accordance with the provisions of By-law 109-11; and,

    c) That all comments pertaining to the applicant’s related Site Plan application (City File D06-20026) be referred back to Staff.

- City Files D01-21001 and D02-21002- (Related File: D06-21077)

  • a) That the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by First Baymac Developments Limited and Canadian Property Holdings (Ontario) Inc. for lands known as Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, E.Y.S. (Municipal Address: 1070 Major Mackenzie Drive East), City Files D01-21001 and D02-21002, be approved in principle, subject to the following:

    (i) that the Official Plan be amended to include site-specific policies to increase the permitted building height on the subject lands, as outlined in Staff Report SRPI.22.084;

    (ii) that the subject lands be rezoned from Community Commercial (CC) Zone under By-law 38-95, as amended, to Institutional (I1) Zone under By-law 38-95, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in Staff Report SRPI.22.084;

    (iii) that prior to forwarding the amending Zoning By-law to Council for consideration and enactment, the following take place:

    a) that the draft Zoning By-law attached as Appendix “C” be finalized and updated to address the comments in Staff Report SRPI.22.084 to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure, including appropriate formatting and development standards;

    (iv) that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft amending Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands.

  • a) That the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by 2747883 Ontario Inc. and 275302 Ontario Inc. for lands known as Part of Lot 1, Registered Plan 200 (Municipal Addresses: 13572 and 13586 Bayview Avenue), City Files D01-20003 and D02-20009, be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that the City’s Official Plan be amended to include site specific policies as outlined in Staff Report SPRI.22.086;

    (ii) that Official Plan Amendment 36 attached hereto as Appendix B be adopted at the July 6, 2022 Council meeting, and subsequently forwarded to York Region for approval;

    (iii) that the subject lands be rezoned from Agricultural (A) Zone under By-law 1703, as amended, to Multiple Residential One (RM1) Zone and Environmental Protection Two (EPA2) Zone under By-law 313-96, as amended, with site specific development standards to facilitate the development proposal as outlined in Staff Report SRPI.22.086;

    (iv) that the draft amending Zoning By-law as set out in Appendix “C” be brought forward to a regular meeting of Council for consideration and enactment; and,

    b) that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft amending Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands.

  • a) That the revised Zoning By-law Amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by Leslie View Developments 11580 Inc. for lands known as Part of Lot 31, Concession 2, E.Y.S. (Municipal Address: 11580 Leslie Street), City Files D02-18006 and D03-18005, be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that the subject lands be rezoned from Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside (ORMCO) Zone under By-law 128-04, as amended, to Multiple Residential Four (RM4) Zone under By-law 55-15, as amended, and that the amending Zoning By-law establish site specific development standards as outlined in Staff Report SRPI.22.081;

    (ii) that Future Development Block 209 contained in draft approved Plan of Subdivision 19T(R)-03013 and identified in Schedules “A” and “B” of Appendix “B” to Staff Report SRPI.22.081 be rezoned from Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside (ORMCO) Zone under By-law 128-04, as amended, to Multiple Residential Four (RM4) Zone under By-law 55-15, as amended, and developed in conjunction with the proposed development of the subject lands;

    (iii) that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, Council deem that no further notice be required with respect to any necessary modifications to the draft amending Zoning By-law to implement the proposed development on the subject lands;

    (iv) that the draft amending Zoning By-law as set out in Appendix “B” be finalized and that prior to the final amending Zoning By-law being brought forward to Council for consideration and enactment, the applicant’s Site Plan application (City File D06-19032) be substantially completed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure;    

    (v) that the Plan of Subdivision as depicted on Map 7 to Staff Report SRPI.22.081 be draft approved, subject to the conditions of draft approval as set out in Appendix “C”; 

    (vi) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fees in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law 68-21, as amended;

    b) That the authority to assign 56.81 persons equivalent of servicing allocation to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands be delegated to the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure subject to the City’s Interim Growth Management Strategy, and that the assigned servicing allocation be released in accordance with By-law 109-11, as amended; and,

    c) That all comments concerning the applicant’s related Site Plan Application (City File D06-19032) be referred back to staff.

  • a) That the revised draft Plan of Subdivision application submitted by Montagna Capital (BT) Inc. for lands known as Part of the West Half of Lot 20, Concession 3, E.Y.S. (Municipal Addresses: 1577 to 1621 Major Mackenzie Drive East), City File SUB-21-0002 (D03-21002), be approved, subject to the following:

    (i) that the Plan of Subdivision as depicted on Map 6 to Staff Report SRPI.22.080 be approved, subject to the conditions as set out in Appendix “B”;

    (ii) that prior to draft approval being granted, the applicant pay the applicable processing fee in accordance with the City’s Tariff of Fees By-law 68-21; and,

    b) That 400.14 persons equivalent of servicing allocation (114 single detached dwellings) be assigned to the proposed development to be constructed on the subject lands, to be released by the Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure in accordance with By-law 109-11, as amended.

  • a) That Staff Report SRPI.22.087 be received for information.

    b) That staff be directed to prepare a design project, including neighbourhood consultation, with appropriate budget in the proposed 2023 Capital Budget requests to locate a community pickleball facility in the “panhandle” of Richmond Hill David Dunlap Observatory Park.

  • a) That the Memorandum from Darlene Joslin, Interim City Manager, dated June 27, 2022 regarding Information Requested as part of deferral of Member Motion - Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli - Land Acknowledgement, be received.

  • a) That the correspondence from Elfi Berndle, 41 Denham Drive, dated February 3, 2022, regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application submitted by Tijiang Gao and Bijin Gao for 73 Westwood Lane, be received.

(Not previously proclaimed in the City of Richmond Hill)

  • a) That August 18, 2022, be proclaimed as "Never Give Up Day" in the City of Richmond Hill.

  • a) That the Memorandum from Kelvin Kwan, Commissioner of Planning and Infrastructure, dated July 4, 2022, regarding Supplementary Information to Staff Report SRPI.22.076 - Request for Approval of OPA.18.4 Neighbourhoods, be received.

    b) That Council approve all of the recommendations provided in staff report SRPI.22.076 with respect to OPA 18.4.

    c) That staff continue to work with land owners, stakeholders and the public through Batch 2 OPA and TMP processes, in order to comprehensively plan for the Village area, and to report back to Council through those processes in terms of the future of the “cottage laneway.”

  • a) That the letter from Charles Harnick, Integrity Commissioner, ADR Chambers Inc., Integrity Commissioner Office for the City of Richmond Hill, dated June 30, 2022, regarding an investigation report in respect to a complaint under the City's Council Code of Conduct in respect to Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli, be received;

    b) That Council provide direction on the implementation of a penalty under Section 12.8 of the City's Council Code of Conduct (pursuant to Section 223.4(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001), as recommended in the Integrity Commissioner’s report.


This item has attachments. 
  • That the following correspondence regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications submitted by 2747883 Ontario Inc. and 275302 Ontario Inc. for 13572 and 13586 Bayview Avenue, be received:

    1. Dennis Chan, 357 Paradelle Drive, dated July 2, 2022.
    2. Kevin Liu, 23 Macdonald Court, dated July 2, 2022.
    3. Shahla Yaghoubian, 31 Coons Road, dated July 2, 2022.
    4. Rahman Khorshidi, 9 Black Willow Court, dated July 3, 2022.
    5. Elena Smith, 10 Cheval Court, dated July 3, 2022.
    6. Sunil, Saneh, Varun, and Meenakshi Bhardwaj, dated July 3, 2022.
    7. John McKinnon, 8 Migonette Street, dated July 3, 2022. 
    8. Maryam Omidi, 29 Coons Road, dated July 3, 2022.
    9. Esther McKinnon, 8 Migonette Street, dated July 3, 2022.
    10. Niazul Alam, 83 Meadowsweet Lane, dated July 3, 2022.
    11. Nazy Momenzad, 29 Coon's Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    12. Kauser Taslim, 83 Meadowsweet Lane, dated July 4, 2022.
    13. Gloria Marsh, York Region Environmental Alliance, dated July 4, 2022.
    14. Abbas Ekhtiari, 31 Coon's Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    15. Kamy Leung, 20 Mayapple Lane, dated July 4, 2022.
    16. Colin and Merlyn Braganza, 373 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    17. Amesh De Silva, 370 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    18. June Regimbald, 46 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    19. Stephanie Pazuki, 357 Worthington Avenue, dated July 4, 2022.
    20. Hamed Khandan, 29 Coon's Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    21. Susan Morrison, 74 Worthington Avenue, dated July 4, 2020.
    22. Jinshuang Chen, 31 Capelle Street, dated July 4, 2022.


This item has attachments. 
  • That the following additional correspondence regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications submitted by 2747883 Ontario Inc. and 275302 Ontario Inc. for 13572 and 13586 Bayview Avenue, be received:

    1. Eva Lung, 52 Fitzwilliam Avenue, dated July 2, 2022.
    2. Dieter Schuhmann, 41 Bloomfield Trail, dated July 3, 2022.
    3. Rui Liu, 31 Capelle Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    4. Ao Lou, 359 Worthington Avenue, dated July 4, 2022.
    5. Jinhui Feng, 68 Bel Canto Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    6. Oleg Belogolovski, 27 Kaitlin Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    7. Randy Givlin, 163 Coon's Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    8. Hongtao Xu, 17 Meadowsweet Lane, dated July 4, 2022.
    9. Leslie De Silva, 370 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    10. Parissa Solhi, 57 Beaufort Hills Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    11. Ed Weiser, 110 Snively Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    12. Marcel Schroder, 54 Worthington Avenue, dated July 4, 2022.
    13. Deb Thompson, 49 Blackforest Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    14. Julie Prestidge, 21 Govepark Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    15. Vito Spatafora, 35 Rosegarden Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    16. Hattie Liu, 423 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    17. Doris Kokkinis and Andrew Davidson, 37 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    18. Carol Davidson, 25 Green Meadow Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    19. Louise and Doug Lenart, 17 Cheval Court, dated July 4, 2022.
    20. Brian Lavoie, 37 Blyth Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    21. Hyunsook Ham, 132 Long Point Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    22. Bill Wolters, 135 Barberry Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    23. Jun Zhu, 419 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    24. Yiming Zhu, 134 Alpaca Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    25. Brenda Wynne, 43 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    26. Maureen Gentemann, 49 Cynthia Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    27. Alireza Sahami-M, 369 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    28. Ron Cabak, 19 Beaufort Hills Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    29. Mary Cabak, 19 Beaufort Hills Road, dated July 4, 2022.
    30. Kevin and Sylvia French, 39 Rosegarden Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    31. John Skenderis, 80 Snively Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    32. Carey Thorpe, 26 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    33. Cheryl Lewandowski, 17 Gallacher Avenue, dated July 4, 2022.
    34. Anna Kucharczyk, 92 Snively Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    35. Kari Schroder, 54 Worthington Avenue, dated July 4, 2022.
    36. Zhiming Zhang, 253 Sunset Beach Road, received July 4, 2022.
    37. Leanne Stevens, 3 Bombay Court, dated July 4, 2022.
    38. Steve Jeffrey, 39 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
    39. Vikki Chan, 357 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.

    40. Julie Wang, 432 Paradelle Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    41. Elizabeth Morin, 2 Kaitlin Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    42. Lily Jin, 86 Snively Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    43. Hong Zhu, 419 Paradelle Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    44. Howard Doughty, 10 Cheval Court, dated July 5, 2022.
    45. Peter Olejarz, 355 Paradelle Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    46. Mohammadreza Badiei, 58 Cynthia Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    47. Karen Leung, 355 Paradelle Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    48. David and Susan Yawney, 15 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    49. Justin Park, 10 Bishopsbridge Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    50. Mary Perivolaris, 57 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    51. Yongping He, 121 Bel Canto Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    52. Amy Tung, 6 Migonette Street, dated July 5, 2022.
    53. Marco Redio, 22 Pheasant Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    54. Jonathan Lai, 6 Migonette Street, dated July 5, 2022.

    55. Elena Cilkov, 255 Paradelle Drive, Unit 3, dated July 5, 2022.

    56. Chris Rolko, 35 Lorridge Street, dated July 5, 2022.
    57. Anne Hammerbeck, 60 Coates Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    58. Eric Brown, 18 Blackforest Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    59. Randy Milthorpe, 26 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    60. Diana Tadiotto, 109 Long Point Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    61. Dion and Kimberly Yungblut, 34 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    62. Stephen and Mary Heidman, 17 Rosegarden Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    63. Kristi Kanitz, 100 Fern Valley Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    64. Blend Cota, 9 Wolfson Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    65. Redina Tili, 9 Wolfson Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    66. Derrick Wynne, 43 Craigleith Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    67. Levon Camgozlu, 43 Worthington Avenue, dated July 5, 2022.
    68. William Zhu and Yiyan Cai, 51 Gravleaf Drive, Stouffville, dated July 5, 2022.
    69. Penny and Tommy Sgromo, 16 Wolfson Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.

    70. Kwok Wai Low, 20 MacDonald Court, dated July 5, 2022.
    71. Joanne and Frank Hoffmann, 8 Rosegarden Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    72. Carolyn DaCosta Trebell, 8 Bloomfield Trail, dated July 5, 2022.
    73. Bruce Wiseman, 16 Pagean Drive, dated July 5, 2022.

    74. Irmhilde Hoffmann, 33 Wolfson Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    75. Joe Zhu, 49 Rosscowan Crescent, Scarborough, dated July 5, 2022.
    76. Geraldine Godsell, 16 Pagean Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
  • That the correspondence submitted following the June 27, 2022 Special Council Meeting respecting the proposed Official Plan Amendment 18.4 Neighbourhoods (staff report SRPI.22.076), be received:

    1. Jack Dougan, Markets On Main Street Inc., dated May 25, 2022.
    2. Alfiya Kakal, Weston Consulting, dated June 26, 2022.
    3. Jeffrey E. Streisfield, Land Law, dated June 26, 2022.
    4. Mark Yarranton, on behalf of North Park Holdings Inc., Pennytech Inc. and Robert Salna Holdings Inc., dated June 26, 2022.
    5. Harry Harakh, 66 Major Mackenzie West, received July 4, 2022.
    6. William C. Wolters, 135 Barberry Crescent, dated July 4, 2022.
  • That the following correspondence regarding Response to Motion – Community Pickleball Facility Location, be received:

    1. Cindy Smith, 17 Monet Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    2. Jonathan Siegel, PH5-9608 Yonge Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    3. Cathy Orsi, 15 Mica Court, dated July 4, 2022.
  • That the following correspondence regarding the Member Motion submitted by Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli with respect to Land Acknowledgement be received:

    1. Sharon Chisholm, 81 Shaftsbury Avenue, dated July 4, 2022.
    2. Howard Doughty, 10 Cheval Court, dated July 5, 2022.
    3. Alexis Sang, 79 Roseview Avenue, dated July 5, 2022.
  • That the following correspondence regarding the Letter from Charles Harnick, Integrity Commissioner, ADR Chambers, dated June 30, 2022, with respect to the Investigation Report for Complaint Reference Number IC-13702-0521, be received:

    1. Anna Caporiccio, 161 Oxford Street, dated July 4, 2022.
    2. Linda Herriott, 3 Sanderson Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    3. Marj Andre, 2 Lucy Drive, dated July 5, 2022.
    4. Mary-Lou Montgrain, 31 Rathfon Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    5. Sigmund Lee, 20 Hamills Crescent, dated July 5, 2022.
    6. Marta Escedi, 11-125 Weldrick Road West, dated July 4, 2022.
  • a) That the correspondence submitted by Jay Lennox, 413 Tareyton Road, dated July 5, 2022, regarding the Member Motion submitted by Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli with respect to Enforcing Regional By-law 2015-36, be received.

- (refer to Item 13.12)

  • a) That the correspondence from Stephanie Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Mon Sheong Foundation, dated July 5, 2022, regarding the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision Application submitted by Montagna Capital (BT) Inc. for 1577 to 1621 Major Mackenzie Drive East, be received.

- (refer to Item 13.9)

  • That the following correspondence regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications submitted by First Baymac Developments Limited and Canadian Property Holdings (Ontario) Inc. for 1070 Major Mackenzie Drive East, be received:

    1. Hailin Wu, 7 Shoshana Drive, dated July 4, 2022.
    2. Sandra Sun, 36 Shell Court, dated July 4, 2022.
    3. Benny Fong, Richmond Hill resident, dated July 5, 2022.
  • a) That the correspondence from Victoria Mortelliti, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), dated July 5, 2022, regarding Staff Report SRCFS.22.026 - Request for Approval - Community Benefits Charge Strategy, be received.

Moved by: Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli

  • Whereas a stand-alone land acknowledgment without meaningful action is not the ideal situation; and

    Whereas the Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #57 states:

    We call upon federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal governments to provide education to public servants on the history of Aboriginal peoples, including the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal–Crown relations. This will require skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism; and

    Whereas the City of Richmond Hill created a course, The PATH - Your Journey through Indigenous Canada, available for employees of Richmond Hill through Richmond Hill University to provide education and training on the history of Aboriginal peoples ; and

    Whereas through the above action, the City of Richmond Hill has taken concrete action to implement call to action #57, one of the few calls to action that provide a specific direction to municipal governments; and

    Whereas a Land Acknowledgement would reinforce the aforementioned action in a strong show of support to our Indigenous community; and
    Whereas the Indigenous Action Committee of Richmond Hill developed a Land Acknowledgement which embodies the goals and wishes of the Richmond Hill Indigenous Community;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved:

    That the following Land Acknowledgement be added to the opening of all future Richmond Hill Council Meetings:

    The land that we meet on today is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, the Huron Wendat, and is currently home to many diverse and displaced First Nations, Inuit and Metis people.

    We would like to recognize, acknowledge and thank the people of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, Beausoleil First Nation, the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, the Mississaugas of the Credit and many others who have cared for the land for thousands of years before us.

    We are committed to ongoing learning, and we strive to move forward with good hearts and minds and are committed to doing so with gratitude and respect for the past, present and future caretakers of this land.

Moved by: Regional and Local Councillor Perrelli 

  • Whereas the Region of York has a regional roads by-law #2015-36 that in part allows signs to be placed on regional roads from Fridays at 7pm until Monday at 6am; and

    Whereas the Region for the most part does not actively enforce the bylaw; and

    Whereas most of the signs being placed are without permit and most that are permitted, are placed contrary to the by-law; and

    Whereas these signs pose a host of issues, from safety to uniformity, with the City by-law; and

    Whereas both the City and my office continue to receive many complaints about these signs from Richmond Hill residents and businesses alike; and

    Whereas the Region, in cooperation with the municipality, is undergoing a consultation to deal with this issue;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved:

    That until the consultation process is complete, City Manager Joslin be directed to ensure that the City enforces Regional by-law #2015-36 on an ongoing basis instead of on a complaint by complaint basis.



Explanation - Arista Homes (Jubilee Towns) Inc. - Riley Reed Lane - City File - PLC-22-0003

  • That Council move into closed session:

    a) To consider personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, and matters regarding labour relations or employee negotiations, with respect to the appointment of an additional Deputy Treasurer, pursuant to Sections 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001.

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